An Tionnsgainneach Uaine/Patent Pending
Matilda has the power to excel in business, being able to make calculations and predict market behaviour. Tropecio Ferguson notices and wants help for his new 'harmless' business.
Tha cumhachd Marisa ga d猫anamh s脿r-mhath air gnothachas, le 脿ireamhan agus air modhan a鈥 mhargaidh a thomhais. Tha Tormod Flanagan a鈥 mothachadh dha na comasan aice agus a鈥 faighneachd airson a cuideachadh leis a鈥 ghn矛omhachas 鈥渘eochiontach鈥 霉r aige. Tha Marisa toilichte cuideachadh, ach chan eil fhios aice-se gur e gn矛omhachas Thormoid Fhlanagain a bhith a鈥 leigeil chraobhan agus a鈥 d猫anamh buill bh貌bhlaidh 脿sta.
Matilda has the power to excel in business, being able to make calculations and predict market behaviour. Tropecio Ferguson notices this, and requests her help for his new 鈥渉armless鈥 business. Matilda gladly accepts, but what she doesn鈥檛 know is that Tropecio鈥檚 business consists of cutting down all the trees to make bowling balls with them.