Ceol na Loidhne/Song of the Track
Ingrid Henderson celebrates newly discovered photographs of the West Highland Line. Tha Ingrid NicEunraig a’ comharradh dealbhan ùra de Loidhne na Gà idhealtachd an Iar.
The line between Fort William and Mallaig is arguably the most spectacular railway in the world. A collection of over one 100 photos taken during its construction were recently unearthed. Local musician Ingrid Henderson follows the story of these photographs, what they reveal about the lives and people in Lochaber, and attempts to discover the artist behind the lens. At the same time she will create new music to pay tribute to the railway and the people who built it.
For Ingrid, born in Mallaig, brought up in Fort William and now living and working in Glenfinnan, the railway has always been present in her life. Through this programme, she will travel the line stopping at stations along the route to find the places in the photographs, and look for inspiration to compose a new album.
Tha Loidhne na Gà idhealtachd an Iar eadar A’ Ghearasdan agus Mallaig aon den turasan as boidhche anns an t-saoghail. Agus a-nis tha cruinneachadh ùr de dhealbhan air nochdadh a’ sealltainn mar a thogadh an loidhne. Tha ceòladair Ingrid NicEunraig a’ leanntainn an sgeulachd a tha seo agus na tha na dealbhan ag innse dhuinn mu dheidhinn an fheadhainn ann an Lochaber agus i a’ feuchainn ri fhaighinn a-mach cò thog iad. Aig an aon à m tha Ingrid a’ sgrìobhadh ceòl ùr an loidhne a chomharrachadh. Dha Ingrid, a’ fuireach ann an Lochabar, tha an rèile air a bhith faisg oirre fad a beatha. Anns a’ phrogram seo bidh Ingrid a’ siubhal na loidhne agus a’ coimhead airson brosnachadh airson album ùr.
Last on
Ingrid NicEunraig a' cluich Ruitheam na Loidhne
Duration: 00:42
Chaidh ospadal a stèidheachadh do luchd-obrach na rèile
Duration: 00:56
A' cur crìoch air an loidhne
Duration: 00:43
Rinn an rèile feum mhòr do mhuinntir na sgìre
Duration: 00:40
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Ingrid Henderson |
Executive Producer | Maureen MacLeod |
Executive Producer | Bill MacLeod |
Producer | Annie Cheape |
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