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Abair Brùchd/Flatulences of Time

Episode 3 of 52

Tha cumhachd aig Marisa tìm a’ stad gach turas a bhrùchdas i. Matilda has the power to stop the clock every time she burps.

Tha cumhachd aig Marisa tìm a’ stad gach turas a bhrùchdas i. An toiseach, tha spòrs aice fhèin agus Teàrlach a’ cluich chleasan air na caraidean aca agus daoine eile sa bhaile a tha iad air ‘a reothadh’ ann an tìm, ’s gun for acasan air na tha a’ tachairt. Son cùisean a dhèanamh nas spòrsaile buileach, tha iad a’ roghnachadh am baile air fad ‘a reothadh’ le aon bhrùchd brùideil. Nuair a dh’fheuchas Marsia ris a h-uile sìon a thilleadh air ais dhan àbhaist, tha tìm a’ dol troimh-a-chèile agus tha a h-uile duine a’ gluasad nas luaithe nan àbhaist agus gun smachd.

Matilda has the power to stop the clock every time she burps. First she has fun with Charlie pulling small pranks on their friends and others, who are 'frozen' in time from her power, and don’t understand what’s going on. In order to take things to the next level of fun, they decide to 'freeze' the whole town with one huge burp. When Matilda decides to return everything back to normal, the whole town moves faster than normal and out of control, and only then does she realise her mistake.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Production Company Solus Productions
