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Fo Bhuaidh Na Sìde/Weather Allergy

Episode 2 of 52

Tha cumhachd aig Marisa an t-sìde atharrachadh ga turas a nì i sreothart. Matilda has the power to change the weather every time she sneezes.

Tha cumhachd aig Marisa an t-sìde atharrachadh ga turas a nì i sreothart, mar sin tha spòrs aice fhèin agus Teàrlach a’ cruthachadh mheallan uisge, sneachd agus tàirneanaich. Ann am fear dhe na cleasan aca – agus air sgàth ’s gu bheil aileirgidh aig Marisa bho chait – tha iad a’ cur suas teòthachd na talmhainn gu 40ºC. Tha seo a’ toirt air an uisge deatachadh is tha seo a’ cur beatha MhicLaomain ann an cunnart (oir bàsaichidh iasg às aonais uisge).

Matilda has the power to change the weather every time she sneezes, so she and Charlie have fun making rain, snow and thunder. In one of their pranks - and due to Matilda’s allergy to cats - they raise the temperature to more than 40ºC. This causes water to evaporate, thus jeopardising Mortimer’s life as a fish, he will die without water.

11 minutes
