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Colin Macleod - An Ceol/Colin Macleod - The Music

Taghadh de dh’ òrain nach deach fhaicinn a-riamh bhon t-seinneadair agus an sgrìobhadair, Colin Macleod. Previously unseen musical highlights from singer-songwriter Colin Macleod.

’S ann à Eilean Leòdhais bho thùs a tha Colin Macleod, far a bheil e ag obair mar neach-ciùil agus a’ cumail a’ chroit a’ dol aig an aon àm. Aithnichte mar aon de na seinneadairean as tàlantaich ann an saoghal a’ chiùil Albannaich, ann an 2017, chuir e ainm ri cùmhnant clàir, cuide ri aon de na companaidhean clàraidh as motha san t-saoghal – BMG Records. An lùib seo, ann an 2018, thàinig an cothrom a’ chiad chlàr aige, ‘Bloodlines’, a chur air bhog ann an Ameireaga, clàr a tha gu mòr stèidhichte air sgeulachdan an eilein agus a bheatha ann an Leòdhas, leis a’ cheangal sin ri àite àraich riatanach dha mar neach-ciùil.

Leis a’ chlàr ga chur air bhog ann an Ameireaga, bha Colin a’ cluich air cuid de na h-àrd ùrlaran as motha san t-saoghal - cothrom air leth an tàlant agus an ceòl aige fhèin a thaisbeanadh gu h-eadar-nàiseanta. Anns a’ phrògram sònraichte seo, chìthear taghadh de dh’ òrain air an gabhail bho 2018 nach deach fhaicinn a-riamh – cuid le Colin fhèin agus cuid leis a’ chòmhlan air fad – a’ toirt na h-òrain a bh’ aig cridhe ‘Bloodlines’ a-mach dhan t-saoghal mhòr.

Colin Macleod hails from the Isle of Lewis, where he currently balances crofting life with his musical career. Considered one of the most promising, original talents in the Scottish music scene, he signed with one of the biggest record companies in the world – BMG Records - in 2017. In 2018 came the opportunity to launch his album Bloodlines in America, an album rooted in stories from the island and his life in Lewis, showing the connection to his birthplace as fundamental to his life as a musician.

With the focus of the album launch being America, the release sees Colin take to some of the world’s biggest stages, providing a fantastic opportunity to showcase his talents and music at international level.

This programme features a selection of previously unseen musical highlights, some intimate and acoustic and some with the full band from 2018, as Colin takes the songs at the core of ‘Bloodlines’ out into the world.

29 minutes

Last on

Thu 28 Nov 2024 23:30


Role Contributor
Executive Producer Seumas Mactaggart
Executive Producer Margaret Mary Murray
Director David Martin
