Slighe sgoile Mheagsago/Ways to school in Mexico
Every Monday, Lorenzo struggles his way over slippery scree and past steep canyons, just so he can go to school.
Every Monday, little Lorenzo struggles alone as he makes his way over slippery scree and past steep canyons, just so he can go to school and receive something to eat there. The six-year-old lives in north west Mexico in the extensive Sierra Madre Occidental - the home of his people, the Rarámuri. These indigenous peoples live well-hidden in the mountains and have hardly any contact with the outside world, so Lorenzo must trek at 1,000 metres' altitude. One small lapse of concentration, one careless step, and Lorenzo could fall off the edge.
Facing the most extreme conditions, the children in this series must march, climb or swim their way to school. And yet, they have only one goal in sight, education and a better life. These children have the most spectacular and most dangerous journeys to school in the world.
A h-uile Diluain tha Lorenzo beag a’ strì tro ghleanntan domhainn, creagan agus morghan airson faighinn dhan sgoil agus airson biadh fhaighinn an sin. Tha am balach, a tha sia bliadhna a dh’ aois, a’ fuireach ann an iar thuath Mheagsago anns a’ cheà rnaidh mhòr de Sierra Madre Occidental. Seo dachaigh nan daoine aige fhèin, na Rarámuri. Tha na tùsanaich seo a’ fuireach ann an à iteachan falaichte anns na beanntan gun mòran conaltraidh aca leis an t-saoghal. Airson seo a sheachnadh, feumaidh Lorenzo a bhith a’ sreap suas ri 1000m, ann an à iteachan a tha cho cunnartach ’s gum faodadh e tuiteam far an oir.
Feumaidh a' chlann san t-sreath seo coiseachd, sreap no snà mh ann an suidheachaidhean cunnartach air an t-slighe chun na sgoile. Chan eil aca ach aon amas: foghlam a nì leasachadh air am beatha. 'S ann aig a' chloinn seo a tha na slighean sgoile as cunnartaiche air thalamh – agus cuid dhen fheadhainn as bòidhche cuideachd.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
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