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Tha am prògram seo a’ sealltainn air na thachair an dèidh thubaistean nàdarra air sgàth na sìde. This programme follows events some of 2017's natural weather disasters.

Chaidh am bliadhna 2017 a chomharrachadh le iomadh droch stoirm bhon Atlantaig nam measg, Harvey, Irma agus Maria. Bha cuideachd tuiltean ann an Sri Lanka, crithean-talmhainn mòra ann am Mexico agus teintean-coille ann an California agus Portugal. Dh’ adhbhraich na tachartasan seo milleadh a chosg na billeanan de notaichean. Le filmeadh a chaidh a dhèanamh aig meadhan gach cùis, tha am film seo a’ sealltainn nan tachartasan as miosa a thachair air a’ bhliadhna seo. Tha meòrachadh agus sgrùdadh bho eòlaichean a’ sealltainn dè dìreach a tha ag adhbharachadh nan tachartasan nàdarrach seo.

The year 2017 was marked by several major Atlantic hurricanes (including Harvey, Irma and Maria), flooding in Sri Lanka, two serious earthquakes in Mexico and deadly forest fires in California and Portugal. These events have resulted in unprecedented financial costs, with billions of pounds of damage.

Thanks to spectacular footage filmed at the heart of the action, this film shows a selection of the most notable natural disasters to strike this year. Expert analysis and photorealistic animation allow the audience to understand the forces at work behind these catastrophes.

54 minutes

Last on

Thu 5 Nov 2020 22:30

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