Episode 2
Prògram a’ sealltainn air thubaistean nà darra. Film documenting the aftermath and causes of some of the major natural disasters of 2016.
Ann an 2016, thachair à ireamhan mòra de thubaistean nà darra air sgà th na sìde a’ gabhail a-steach tart, teinntean mòra, tuiltean agus fìor dhroch stoirmean. Cuideachd, bha na h-à ireamhan mòra de chrithean-thalmhainn a ghabh à ite neo-à bhaisteach.
Le meòrachadh agus sgrùdadh bho eòlaichean saidheans, tha am prògram seo a’ dol gu cridhe nan tachartasan agus a’ sealltainn air na thachair an dèidh là imh agus cuideachd air na tha ag adhbharachadh nan tachartasan nà darrach seo.
2016 was hit by a large number of serious weather-related natural disasters including droughts, wildfires, flooding, typhoons and hurricanes as well as an unusual amount of seismic upheaval in the form of earthquakes.
With analysis from scientific experts, this film takes the audience into the heart of events showing in close detail the aftermath and causes of such natural events.
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