Natural World 2018-2019 Episodes Episode guide
Tasmania: Weird and Wonderful
David Attenborough explores Tasmania, a place that is as weird as it is wonderful.
Humpback Whales: A Detective Story
Documentary about our relationship with whales and their future alongside us. (R)
The Super Squirrels
The squirrel family is one of the most widespread - what is the secret to their success?
Pangolins - The World's Most Wanted Animal
The story of efforts to save the pangolin, the world's most illegally trafficked animal.
Saving the Orangutan
Red Ape follows a team fighting to save the critically endangered orangutans of Borneo.
Super Fast Falcon
Following a young family of falcons as they grow up in downtown Chicago.
Nature's Biggest Beasts
How the world's biggest beasts overcome the challenges of their size.
Attenborough's Wonder of Eggs
From creation to hatching, David Attenborough reveals the wonder behind eggs.