Scotland's Game Changers/Breab agus Buaidh
Documentary telling the story of Scotland's women's national football team and their successful showing at Euro 2017.
Bha meas mòr riamh aig sluagh na h-Alba air ball-coise, ach cha robh sgioba Albannach ann an cuairtean deireannach prìomh fharpais bho 1998. Ge-ta, dh'atharraich sin ann an 2017 nuair a ghabh Sgioba Nà iseanta nam Ban pà irt ann an Euro 2017 san Òlaind. Ciamar a rinn na boireannaich an rud a dh'fhà ilich air na fir fad fichead bliadhna?
Football has always been the biggest game in Scotland. And once upon a time, Scotland played it successfully. The national team got to the finals of both the Euros and the World Cup. But not since 1998. There is, however, a Scotland team good enough to go to The Euros. Good enough to rub shoulders with the best footballing nations, including Germany, Spain and England. It's just that the players on the pitch aren't men.
This is the story of Scotland's successful national football team. In the summer of 2017, these young women went to the Netherlands to represent Scotland for the first time in a major tournament. And who did they face in their very first game? Scotland's oldest footballing foe, the auld enemy of England! So what does it take to get to where no male team has gone in the last 20 years? Does even greater success lie ahead now that over 11,000 girls and young women, inspired by these game changers, are playing our national game? This is the story of the women changing the face of Scotland's national game.
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A’ leantainn sgioba nam ban ann an Alba
Duration: 02:24
- Tue 10 Oct 2017 21:00
- Sun 15 Oct 2017 21:00
- Sat 14 Jul 2018 22:00
- Fri 20 Jul 2018 20:55
- Tue 20 Aug 2019 21:00
- Sun 25 Aug 2019 21:00