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Record Review Episodes Available now

Clara Schumann's lieder
Andrew McGregor features the latest classical releases for International Women's Day.

Liszt's Totentanz in Building a Library with Iain Burnside and Andrew McGregor
Iain Burnside chooses his favourite recording of Liszt's Totentanz (Dance of Death).

Bizet's L'Arlesienne Suites in Building a Library with Jeremy Sams and Andrew McGregor
Jeremy Sams chooses his favourite version of Bizet's L'Arlesienne Suites.

Puccini's La boheme in Building a Library with Flora Willson and Andrew McGregor
Flora Willson chooses her favourite version of Puccini's La boh猫me

Britten's Ceremony of Carols in Building a Library with Jeremy Summerly and Andrew McGregor
Jeremy Summerly chooses his favourite version of Britten's seasonal Ceremony of Carols.