Balaich a' Bruidhinn/Cancer Club
Documentary looking at the Hebridean Men's Cancer Club, a support group for men living with cancer on the Isle of Lewis.
Tha mòran againn mar as trice a' feuchainn ri seachnadh bruidhinn mu dheidhinn : Aillse. Ach aig cridhe aon de na coimhearsnachdan as traidiseanta a th'ann tha gluasad iongantach air tachairt.
Ann am bothan beag ann an Steòrnabhagh air eilean Leòdhais, tha buidheann shònraichte de fhir a-mhà in a' dèanamh rud ris nach biodh tu an dùil idir. Tha iad a' bruidhinn gu fosgailte - mu Aillse.
Ann am Balaich a' Bruidhinn tha sinn a' dol a-steach aig an à m airson strùpag leis a' bhuidhinn bhuadhail bhrosnachail seo - Buidheann Taic Aillse nan Innse Gall, no mar as fheà rr a dh' aithnichear - an 'Cancer Club.'
Gach seachdain cluinnear gà ire 's craic a' sìoladh bhon togalach, le còmhraidhean mu iomadach cuspair rin cluinntinn, bho tì is cèic gu beatha is bà s. Tha e na sholas san dorchadas nuair a tha cùisean fìor dhuilich. Àite far am faighear cà irdeas, co-fhaireachdainn agus taic. Far am faigh fìr cothrom fois fhaighinn nan dùbhlain dhorcha le Aillse.
Thathar a' tuigsinn gur e seo an aon buidheann taic aillse son fir ann an Alba, agus tha iadsan le eòlas pearsanta a' toirt comhairle agus taic dha an cuid chà irdean aig gach ìre dhe na dùbhlain aca. Cluinnear sgeulachd cuid mu mar a dhèilig iad leis, agus gu cudromach, cluinnear mun phà irt riatanach a bh' aig an cuid companaich.
Cancer Club - sgeulachd dhrùidhteach, mhisneachail ris nach sùileachadh tu mu chà irdeas am measg fir Leòdhais.
It's the word that many of us avoid. The C-Word: cancer. But at the heart of Scotland's most traditional community something remarkable is happening.
In a small Stornoway prefab on the Isle of Lewis, a one-of-a-kind, all-blokes group is turning stereotype on its head and opening up about cancer.
This programme plunges into teatime at this life-affirming group, known officially as the Hebridean Men's Cancer Club and informally as Cancer Club. Each week, the babble of banter seeps out and down the street, chat ranging from tea and cake to life and death. Its a beacon of light - and laughter - when times are hard. A place of empathy, kinship and support, where men can take a breather on their journeys with cancer.
Believed to be the only all-male cancer support group in Scotland, those with personal experience offer advice and support to comrades at all stages of their journey. We hear the journey of some of the men and how they coped with cancer, as well as the vital role of their partners.
Cancer Club - a moving and inspiring story of unexpected brotherhood amongst Lewis men.
Last on
- Mon 2 Nov 2015 21:00
- Tue 3 Nov 2015 22:00
- Mon 6 Nov 2017 21:00
- Tue 7 Nov 2017 22:00