Feachdan Ionatain/Jonathan's Army
Documentary following The Gambia Partnership, a tiny Christian charity from the Western Isles of Scotland, as they attempt to build a school in the west African country of Gambia.
Tha Feachdan Ionatain a' leantainn buidheann Chrìosdaidh às na h-Eileanan an Iar, The Gambia Partnership, agus iad a' feuchainn ri sgoil a thogail ann an Gambia, ann an Afraga an Iar.
Tha Ionatan MacÌomhair os cionn nan òganach a thèid a bhaile beag Kabakel airson sgoil a thogail taobh a-staigh seachdain, ged a tha mòran aca nach robh a-riamh ann an Afraga roimhe.
Chan eil iad buileach às an rian, ge-tà , oir aig cridhe an togalaich tha bogsa-stòraidh mòr a tha mu thrà th air chur a-null à Steòrnabhagh, là n bhùird agus shèithrichean.
Ach tha am bucas mòr glaiste ann am port Banjul agus feumaidh a' bhuidheann smachd fhaighinn air dòighean obrach a' Ghambia airson adhartais a dhèanamh. An tèid aca air an sgoil a thogail idir?
Air aithris le Marianna NicCoinnich, bheir an uair a thìde an cuideachd Feachdan Ionatain togail do dhuine sam bith, agus e ag innse gu taitneach mu gach annas agus à mhghar a tha an lùib a bhith ag obair ann an Afraga.
Feachdan Ionatain (Jonathan's Army) follows the fortunes of The Gambia Partnership, a tiny Christian charity from the Western Isles of Scotland, as they attempt to build a school in the beautiful west African country of Gambia.
Jonathan Maciver leads a group comprised mostly of youngsters, many of whom are going to Africa for the first time, into the rural village of Kabakel to try to get the school built in only a week.
It's not as fanciful as it sounds because the core of the building will be a shipping container that they've already sent from Stornoway, packed with desks and chairs.
But the container is locked fast in customs at the port of Banjul, and the group also have to come to terms with African working practices and customs. Will the school get built at all?
Narrated by Marianna Mackenzie, Feachdan Ionatain is a colourful and uplifting hour that captures the both the wonders and the frustrations of getting things done in Africa.
Last on
Tha Ionatan a’ gabhail ris gu feumar falbh leis an t-sruth
Duration: 00:47
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Mairianna MacKenzie |
Producer | Angus MacKay |
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