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Stacey Dooley Clips
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What is it like to work on a psychiatric ward?—On the Psych Ward
Duration: 04:40
The Three Brief: Stacey Dooley—Investigates
Duration: 04:31
Stacey in Iraq—Stacey on the Frontline: Girls, Guns and Isis
Duration: 01:42
MDMA lab in Canada—Investigates, Ecstasy Wars
Duration: 01:16
Meth Lab in the desert—Investigates, Meth and Madness in Mexico
Duration: 00:51
Crossroads—In The USA - Series 2, Kids in the Crossfire
Duration: 01:16
Detroit break-in—In The USA - Series 2, 91Èȱ¬less in Detroit
Duration: 01:30
Fire!—In The USA - Series 2, 91Èȱ¬less in Detroit
Duration: 01:04
What could go wrong?—In The USA - Series 2, Giving Up My Baby
Duration: 01:05