Main content
The Week in Parliament Clips
What next for a key Brexit Bill?
Duration: 04:34
The challenges facing a Brexit Parliament
Duration: 04:09
What to expect from the new chair of the treasury committee
Duration: 03:54
Tips for being deputy speaker
Duration: 01:28
Taking the Oath
Duration: 00:57
Just how will Brexit get through Parliament?
Duration: 05:47
What role for Parliament in Brexit?
Duration: 06:32
Why are there so few women MPs?
Duration: 04:10
Joining the Commons
Duration: 05:40
Peers try to find ways to reduce their numbers in the Lords
Duration: 02:36
Redrawing the electoral map
Duration: 00:37
Duration: 01:38
What role will MPs have in Brexit?
Duration: 01:09
5-4-3-2-1—The Week in Parliament Bites
Duration: 01:17