The Secrets of Everything Clips
Why can't I run fast?—Episode 4
Duration: 05:00
Why is fire hot?—Episode 5
Duration: 04:04
Can I escape from quicksand?—Episode 6
Duration: 05:03
Can You Dig To Australia?—Episode 6
Duration: 02:29
Why do boomerangs come back?—Episode 4
Duration: 03:43
Why is the sky blue?—Episode 3
Duration: 04:43
Does It Hurt Less If You Swear?—Episode 5
Duration: 01:42
Can Sound Kill?—Episode 3
Duration: 01:13
Can you make a star on Earth?—Episode 1
Duration: 04:26
Could I survive an asteroid strike?—Episode 2
Duration: 05:27
How big is one giant leap?—Episode 1
Duration: 04:43
How can you survive a lightning strike?—Episode 1
Duration: 04:29
Can You Survive On Your Own Bodily Fluids?—Episode 3
Duration: 02:47
How Can You Survive A Lightning Strike?—Episode 1
Duration: 01:12
Why do chillies burn even though they're cold?—Episode 2
Duration: 02:23
Can a crowd of jumping festival-goers create an earthquake?
Duration: 01:31