File on 4 Investigates Episodes Episode guide
No-win, No-fee Lawyers
Miriam O'Reilly investigates the no-win, no-fee lawyers who bring claims against the NHS.
Private Finance Initiative
Michael Robinson asks if the Private Finance Initiative represents value for money.
Incompetence within the Learning and Skills Council
Gerry Northam investigates allegations of incompetence in the Learning and Skills Council.
Causes of the Swine Flu Virus
Julian O'Halloran investigates claims about the causes of the swine flu virus.
Preserving Jobs for British Workers
Jenny Cuffe asks if the policy of preserving jobs for British workers is being undermined.
Badly Behaving Bankers
Allan Urry investigates more claims of bad behaviour on the part of bankers.
Who stole my house?
Shari Vahl investigates the adequacy of safeguards to property rights in Britain.
Torturers in the UK
Fran Abrams asks if Britain has become a haven for torturers.
The crisis in town hall finances
Allan Urry reports on a crisis in town hall finances.
Concerns over Redcaps' role
The record of the Royal Military Police in dealing with alleged crimes by UK forces.
Teachers in the dock
Julian O'Halloran asks if school safety measures to protect children have gone too far?
Zimbabwe's sanctions busters
Grant Ferrett investigates the sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by Britain and Europe.
The legacy of toxic lending
Michael Robinson investigates the legacy of toxic lending by British banks.
Egypt and the Gaza Crisis
The role played by Egypt and its President Hosni Mubarak in the Gaza crisis.
Counterfeit Drugs
Allan Urry investigates the sale of counterfeit drugs to GPs, hospitals and chemists.
Using Surrogate Mothers
Jon Manel on the increasing numbers of UK couples having children using surrogate mothers.
The UK's Insolvency Laws
Julian O'Halloran examines Britain's insolvency laws.
Michael Robinson investigates the rise in evictions and unemployment.
Amardeep Bassey investigates the funding of projects to reduce Islamic extremism in the UK
Simon Cox investigates how English football's finances have got into such a mess.
Allan Urry investigates claims that the NHS is failing to deal with traumatised soldiers.
Tim Whewell reports from Georgia on the origins of the recent conflict with Russia.
Julian O'Halloran investigates the reasons behind rises in gas and electricity bills.
Michael Robinson investigates the US lawsuits emanating from the global financial crisis.
Allan Urry examines the case for linking animal cruelty with child abuse.
Jenny Cuffe reports on a new and potentially fatal strain of the MRSA bacteria.
Gerry Northam investigates the Colonial Development Corporation.
Allan Urry investigates the impact of the economic downturn on urban regeneration.
Lesley Curwen investigates growing concerns about blood transfusions.
Kate Clark investigates efforts to stem the opium trade in Afghanistan.