File on 4 Investigates Episodes Episode guide
Business As Usual?
Do the complex financial products banks still offer threaten another meltdown?
Elderly Care
Why the UK's elderly care sector is facing a financial crisis.
A Living Death
Should it be made simpler to end the life of patients in a vegetative state?
PFI Profits
Have taxpayers lost billions of pounds in the secretive resale of PFI contracts?
The Iran Connection
Allan Urry investigates claims that Iran has been stepping up its support for terrorism.
Air Crashes
When a plane crashes, does the investigation always get to the real reasons?
Memory on Trial
Can memory evidence alone deliver justice in sex abuse cases when claims go back decades?
Organs Failure?
Is the NHS doing enough to combat the crisis in organ donations? Allan Urry investigates.
Egypt's Missing Millions
Fran Abrams investigates the corruption that lay behind the Mubarak regime.
Danger at Work
After the first UK corporate manslaughter conviction, File on 4 examines safety at work.
Doctors in Charge
Family doctors are key to the Government health reforms, but how efficient are our GPs?
Airport Woes
Why were flights grounded by snow? Do Britain's airport woes run deeper than bad weather?
Shaken Babies?
Andrew Hosken examines claims of a dirty tricks campaign over Shaken Baby Syndrome.
Bent Cops
Are police doing enough to tackle corruption in their ranks? Allan Urry investigates.
Tolerating the Intolerant?
Is religious intolerance growing among Britain's ethnic minorities?
91热爆s but no loans
How will the mortgage freeze hit Britain's already battered economy?
Bitter Medicine
Is the government making it almost impossible to sue a drug company?
Europe's Missing Millions
Angus Stickler investigates fraud involving European regional funding schemes.
Care 91热爆s: When An Inspector Calls
Is enough being done to protect the elderly in care homes? Fran Abrams investigates.
The Great Train Robbery?
Why do Britain's railways cost more than elsewhere in Europe? Allan Urry investigates.
Charities - Giving and Taking
Can charities be trusted to run public services well and honestly? Gerry Northam reports.
The Somali Connection
How British Somalis are recruited to fight for the banned Islamist group, al-Shabaab.
A Taxing Dilemma
Michael Robinson reveals loopholes which let big businesses slash their UK tax bills.
Foundation Hospitals: An Acute Crisis?
Why should we want more foundation hospitals when so many are in financial trouble?
Insolvency Practitioners: A Corporate Killing
Allan Urry investigates concerns about the role of insolvency practitioners.
Afghanistan: Enemies Within
Can Afghan forces guarantee the country's security when British and other troops pull out?
Protecting the vulnerable
How well does the Court of Protection safeguard the finances of the old and vulnerable?
Oil Spill Hangover
Could lessons from past disasters have prevented BP's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?
Arms smugglers
Allan Urry investigates UK connections to the illegal weapons trade in conflict zones.
Illegal workers
Jon Manel lifts the lid on illegal working in London.