Press Packs
Breathing - a new sculpture for Broadcasting House
International News Safety Institute
The International News Safety Institute (INSI) is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to the safety of journalists and media staff.
It is a network of media organisations, press freedom groups, unions and humanitarian campaigners working to create a culture of safety in media in all corners of the world.
The working programme of the institute provides an information service covering all aspects of news safety and includes an extensive programme of risk-awareness training for media staff in poorer regions where newsgatherers are routinely under pressure, but where economic and social conditions deny them access to basic safety services.
The institute is led and managed by media professionals. It supports and contributes to a global network of press freedom groups and promotes safety standards that will make journalism safer and more professional.
INSI is non-profit, supported entirely by membership contributions from organisations and individuals.
It seeks to raise money from international donors to provide safety training free of charge to news media staff in danger and lacking the resources or knowledge to secure their own. It is the only organisation doing this in a focused and sustained way.