UK results: Conservatives win majority

After 650 of 650 seats declared
UK results
Party Conservative Labour Scottish National Party Liberal Democrat Democratic Unionist Party Others
Seats 365 203 48 11 8 15
Change +47 -59 +13 -1 -2 +2

West Tyrone

Parliamentary constituency



  1. Sinn Féin
    Órfhlaith Begley
    • Votes: 16,544
    • Vote share %: 40.2
    • Vote share change: -10.6
  2. Democratic Unionist Party
    Thomas Buchanan
    • Votes: 9,066
    • Vote share %: 22.0
    • Vote share change: -4.9
  3. Social Democratic & Labour Party
    Daniel McCrossan
    • Votes: 7,330
    • Vote share %: 17.8
    • Vote share change: +4.8
  4. Alliance Party
    Stephen Donnelly
    • Votes: 3,979
    • Vote share %: 9.7
    • Vote share change: +7.4
  5. Ulster Unionist Party
    Andy McKane
    • Votes: 2,774
    • Vote share %: 6.7
    • Vote share change: +1.6
  6. Aontú
    James Hope
    • Votes: 972
    • Vote share %: 2.4
    • Vote share change: +2.4
  7. Green
    Susan Glass
    • Votes: 521
    • Vote share %: 1.3
    • Vote share change: +0.3

Change compared with 2017


  • SF majority: 7,478
  • Registered voters: 66,259
  • % share:
  • Change since 2017: -5.8

Vote share

Party % share
Sinn Féin 40.2%
Democratic Unionist Party 22.0%
Social Democratic & Labour Party 17.8%
Alliance Party 9.7%
Ulster Unionist Party 6.7%
Aontú 2.4%

Vote share change since 2017

  • Alliance Party +7.4 Gained
  • Social Democratic & Labour Party +4.8 Gained
  • Aontú +2.4 Gained
  • Ulster Unionist Party +1.6 Gained
  • Democratic Unionist Party -4.9 Lost
  • Sinn Féin -10.6 Lost

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General Election 2017 results
Party Votes % Net percentage change in seats


Sinn Fein

Barry McElduff Votes 22,060 header_vote_share 50.7 Net percentage change in seats +7.2


Democratic Unionist Party

Thomas Buchanan Votes 11,718 header_vote_share 26.9 Net percentage change in seats +9.5


Social Democratic & Labour Party

Daniel McCrossan Votes 5,635 header_vote_share 13.0 Net percentage change in seats -3.7


Ulster Unionist Party

Alicia Clarke Votes 2,253 header_vote_share 5.2 Net percentage change in seats -10.7


Alliance Party

Stephen Donnelly Votes 1,000 header_vote_share 2.3 Net percentage change in seats +0.1


Green Party

Ciaran McClean Votes 427 header_vote_share 1.0 Net percentage change in seats -1.0


Citizens Independent Social Thought Alliance

Barry Brown Votes 393 header_vote_share 0.9 Net percentage change in seats +0.9


Sinn Fein
, with candidate Pat Doherty
, have the following results:
  • 16,807 total votes taken.
  • 43.5% share of the total vote
  • -4.9% change in share of the votes
Democratic Unionist Party
, with candidate Tom Buchanan
, have the following results:
  • 6,747 total votes taken.
  • 17.5% share of the total vote
  • -2.3% change in share of the votes
Social Democratic & Labour Party
, with candidate Daniel McCrossan
, have the following results:
  • 6,444 total votes taken.
  • 16.7% share of the total vote
  • +2.7% change in share of the votes
Ulster Unionist Party
, with candidate Ross Hussey
, have the following results:
  • 6,144 total votes taken.
  • 15.9% share of the total vote
  • +1.7% change in share of the votes
Alliance Party
, with candidate Stephen Donnelly
, have the following results:
  • 869 total votes taken.
  • 2.2% share of the total vote
  • -0.1% change in share of the votes
Green Party
, with candidate Ciaran McClean
, have the following results:
  • 780 total votes taken.
  • 2.0% share of the total vote
  • +2.0% change in share of the votes
Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol
, with candidate Barry Brown
, have the following results:
  • 528 total votes taken.
  • 1.4% share of the total vote
  • +1.4% change in share of the votes
, with candidate Claire-Louise Leyland
, have the following results:
  • 169 total votes taken.
  • 0.4% share of the total vote
  • +0.4% change in share of the votes
, with candidate Susan-Anne White
, have the following results:
  • 166 total votes taken.
  • 0.4% share of the total vote
  • +0.4% change in share of the votes

Change compared with 2010