Linda? No, Kristie... (Spanish/English)
Living in Miami, Florida only a short few months, I decided to go for 'Happy Hour' with some associates of mine which included some dancing. In Miami, it is quite common to hear the Cubans speaking Spanglish .... and although I knew a bit of Spanish, I could not understand why the men were calling me Linda, did they think I was someone else? Finally, within ear distance of an associate, I told one man very hastily, I'm not Linda, my name is Kristie! My associate began laughing and then informed me that Tu eres linda was a compliment. The men thought I was pretty. I think I would have understood if they had used bonita instead...
Sent by: Kristie
Linda is more commonly used in Latin America than in Spain, though it is gaining ground here as the result of much Hispanic American immigration.
Besides, "linda/lindo" generally means simply 'nice', 'cute' when told to a person whom it isn't necessarily intended to tell a compliment (as in "Eres muy linda/lindo conmigo", 'You are very nice/cute with me').
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