Audio & Video
Konnie Reads From Cookie and the Most Annoying Boy in the World
Konnie reads the chapter where she suspects her teacher is a shoplifter!
- Konnie Reads From Cookie and the Most Annoying Boy in the World
- Early Years
- Growing Older With a Moustache
- My Superheroes
- My Superpowers
- Quick Quack Quentin
- Stealing A's
- Oi Frog!
- Alternative Ending
- Diving Poem
- Reading from The Boxer - Part 2
- Social media and influencers
- Question and Answer - Part 2
- Authors Live with Ross Sayers
- What's Sputnik up to?
- Meeting the Wolf Queen
- Whuppity Stoorie by Lari Don
- More questions for Sav
- A question from Twitter