Audio & Video
The poetry community
In what sort of ways can young people get involved in the poetry community?
- The poetry community
- Authors Live - Julia Donaldson - Reading
- Authors Live - Julia Donaldson - The Gruffalo
- He's a Grrrrrrrruffalo!
- Q&A with Julia Donaldson
- More Q&A with Julia Donaldson
- More Q&A with Julia Donaldson
- Respecting each other
- Nadine Aisha Jassat – poetry reading
- Inspirations and Escaped Terrapin
- Weather and climate
- Reading The Gruffalo in Gaelic
- There's Broccoli in my Ice Cream! - Part 1
- Draw Along
- The life of Matthew Henson
- A reading from Elizabeth
- Konnie’s Favourite Character