Turn Left, by Russell T Davies

Turn Left turned out to be a favourite choice for Your Greatest Moments...
Alex pinpointed, '...the 'labour camp' scene. A brilliant scene which packs a punch of emotion. The ever optimistic Rocco Colasanto reassures Donna that where they're being evicted to - a labour camp - will be good fun. But then as he climbs onto the truck, he hugs his children, and Wilfred, in tears, realises their fate, as does the audience'.
David enjoyed the episode's thrilling finale '...in Turn Left where Donna says BAD WOLF to the Doctor... always sends a shiver down my spine and continually brings a smile to my face, because you know something big is about to happen.' So true! And it doesn't get much bigger than what did happen next!
We're showing the 'circle of mirrors scene', which Kirkland eloquently described: 'My all-time favourite Doctor Who moment happens during Turn Left when Rose has Donna in the circle of mirrors. That whole scene sums up why the Doctor is so amazing and it does it without him being there. Two of the best new companions face off and for Rose's plans to work, Donna must die. It's brilliant'.
Maggie also highlighted this scene 'In Turn Left, where Donna is in the circle of mirrors for the final time, just before she travels back in time, and Rose tells her that she is sorry because she is going to die. I love this scene because it is so well played by both Billie Piper and Catherine Tate.'
Craig concurred: 'The TARDIS and the Circle of Mirrors ("Exploding") in Turn Left as Donna travels back to 'real' Earth... This is definately Catherine Tate's best acting performance in the series' and he adds, '...the special effects are SUPERB!'
Abi, Paul, SL and Nick also enjoyed this episode... so we hope you enjoy the clip!