Large drop in debate audience
The TV audience number crunchers have been using their abacuses, quill pens and tablets of stone all night, and finally come up with viewing figures for the channels which showed the debate last night.
But they say will have to wait til lunch time to add them up.
But I will give you the answer now - 4,073,000 - less than half of the audience for the first debate, on ITV last week.
Comment number 1.
At 23rd Apr 2010, icecubed wrote:Being a rocket scientist, I would like exclusively reveal that the drop in audience was because it was not shown on one of the main channels (91Èȱ¬, C4, ITV etc)
As you are not a rocket scientist Michael, I appreciate you may not have realised this.
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Comment number 2.
At 24th Apr 2010, pims50 wrote:I have to agree with the first writer. If you didn't have sky channel on your tv/computer, it was very hard to find a means of watching the debate. Sky news' own 'stream' was very poor, and I eventually found the debate on If the debates are meant to be available to everyone to watch then surely they should be on the main channels which are most accessable. Thank goodness the last debate will be on the 91Èȱ¬ and we won't have to spend time hunting the internet for the programme. BTW, I am not a rocket scientist!
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Comment number 3.
At 24th Apr 2010, BluesBerry wrote:This may mean that the novelty factor has just taken hold, or should I say released.
Personally, I would have liked to have seen different forum set-ups for each debate e.g. sit-down chit-chat sort of affair, which is the way much of the behind the scenes, international political discussions occur. Standing three abreast just doesn't work for me.
Also, it was difficult to find the debate. There should have been more publicity about when and where (as in channel).
In any case, a loss of half the audience suggests that those responsible for future debates need to examine factors at play.
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Comment number 4.
At 25th Apr 2010, RWWCardiff wrote:You remember the woman whom you interviewed on one of your recent road trips who said she didn't like Cameron's mouth? Well, I think she has a point, someone with a small mouth with thin lips used to be considered mealy-mouthed. Victorian physiology, perhaps, but in Camerons case she could well be right, especially if he keeps sloganising like Nick Griffin. Camerons last gem was to the effect that Lib Dem policies would mean out of control immigration and an emptying of prisons. Funny that, I don't remember reading that in their manifesto. If that's the language, why not vote for the real BNP?
Regards, etc.
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