It's the last instalment until after the Easter weekend, here you go...
Mobile phone to be lowered ... haha, it must be April Fools' Day. Oh, wait ...
Maggie, South London, UK
Maybe it is the legacy of and panda eggs from years past, but I find myself unable to believe any news stories around this time of year. For example, I'm not at all sure whether there will be an built in 2012, but I'm sure that announcing it this close to April 1 was a mistake if it is genuine.
Chris Lewis, Istanbul, Turkey
"The ". Please tell me this is a mistake. In the midst of one of the worst ever recessions, with all the needs going un-met in London (homeless, elderly, children.. I could go on), please, please don't tell me that we have a government crazy enough to spent £19m on a sculpture. Those millions could do a huge amount of good and we could still have a decent sculpture for a fraction of the cost. The world has gone mad.
Henri, Sidcup
Anything you can do, we can do better (after all this is Australia and Queensland to boot, which is like Yorkshire in its attitudes - especially towards the south). Regarding the story about the stuck , we recently had someone drive about 50k with a small (a pademelon to be precise) stuck in the grill of their grotesquely oversized 4WD. It survived, poor little thing. I'll get my drizabone now.
Susan.Thomas, Brisbane, Australia
Did anyone else actually go away and google ? I did - the magazine told me to.
Jaz, Bath
Regarding today's : if I pay the appropriate person the requisite fee, might I be allowed to throttle Danny Dyer too?
Sue, London
Louise McMurran (Tuesday's Letters), if you want to show off to others about your MM contributions, simply do a Google search on "" and your name and you'll see all your writings on one handy Google page. Yes, I've done it myself, too.
Johan van Slooten, Urk, The Netherlands