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Nancy Dell'Olio...

Chris Evans | 13:12 UK time, Friday, 21 October 2011


Gorgeous - but definitely of another world.

I'm off to The One Show to pit my scones against those of Alex Jones. And Alex has lovely scones.

Look for an extra shade of ginger tonight - Mario has been giving me the once over again.

Have lovely weekend.

And I'll see you back on the radio for some Monday morning yawns at six-thirty sharpness.




Peace and Love.


  • Comment number 1.

    Scones as in bones or scones as in ones.

    There's a debate!

    I like a cherry or two in mine.


  • Comment number 2.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    I feel slightly worried CLP as I understood Nancy completely and I enjoyed her choice of gobsmackers. I think I may be from the same planet.

    Scones! They always remind me of school cookery classes, the scones came after the rock buns, I felt so proud walking home carrying my biscuit tin and always eager to bring my latest creation to my family. I think they looked forward to it too!

    Plent of jam and cream please Chris!

    Looking forward to The One Show! Will notice your hair.

    MM xxx

    PS I hope I can watch The One Show, TV aerial down again as they are putting the slates on the roof as we speak. Hope it'll be back again tonight!

  • Comment number 3.


    I say scones as in ones:)

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    I understood most of what she said and I thought the interview was rather sweet. Chris was a bit flirtatious and she seemed to like that. I expect he's on his way round to Nancy's right now with a bottle of Dom Perignon.

    Hang on a minute with the scone pronounciation issue - I say scone as in one, but I also say one as in gone. Southerners say one as in gun (I have northern parents, see).

    Either way, I never say scone as in bone. That would just be silly.


  • Comment number 5.

    Hello everyone,

    Looking forward to hearing the show, I have cloud plussed it for later.

    I say scones (as in gone), however years ago my friend and I used to eat toasted scones like they were going out of fashion and I put myself off them, but I may just have to try one again, with jam and cream of course (cream on last).

    Nothing much happening this weekend and the forecast is for rain (again).



  • Comment number 6.

    Afternoon each

    Haven't a hope of catching up so I hope everyone is well.

    Maddy, hope your aeriel is back in time for the One Show (rhymes with scone!).

    Back down the A9 this morning in torrential rain but Drumochter was as spectacular as ever, as were the Autumn colours on the trees.

    Had a lovely week in a gorgeous house with a garden which attracted all sorts of lovely birds, a wee red squirrel and, one early morning, a beautiful deer which trotted past the house, stopped and looked at me then took off as soon as I raised my camera - bums. Little boys had a skiing lesson, did the tarzan trail in the forest, cycled through the forest and had a great time with the log fire in the house. According to the 9yr old, his brother is a budding pyromaniac - the 11yr old does like a good fire!!

    And I walked round Loch an Eilein - gorgeous.

    The only snow was on Cairngorm thank goodness, although a snowplough was spotted driving through the village, to the consternation of everyone.


  • Comment number 7.

    Aye up!

    I'm definitely a Scone as in Bone kinda gal - sorry if that make me silly Barmy! And d'ya know what .... I could never make the pesky things until I read a book on holiday (The Beach Cafe by Lucy Diamond). At the back of the book is a recipe of Scones as in Bones, which I tried when we got home from holibobs and they are blimmin' wonderful!!! I've made 2 lots now and scoffed every one of them as Nic's not a fan! Ha!! I even "found" Lucy on Twitter (Lucy is pen name, she Tweets under her real self) and thanked her for the recipe. What a lovely lady!

    I didn't get to hear ANY of Nancy Di Lollipoop this morning but glad it went well.

    Annie - your break sounds divine.

    Maddie - that made me smile - the walking home with a tin full of goodies from school cooker class. We did rock cakes too, and fairy cakes .... I love baking!

    (Paul Hollywood is on Twitter!!!!!)

    Gail - beat the rain my dear. Don the wellies and go splishsploshing in the puddles - gwon, you know it makes sense .....

    I've only just got in from work, having raided Cannock and done a bit of "me" shopping. I need to go out again later though as I have a docs appointment for my abs for India at 5pm - two lots: an armful of tetanus/polio/dyptheria, and an armful of typhiod. Then it will be wine o'clock, with mabel for tea!

    Back in a bit.


  • Comment number 8.

    Doh! My J is sticky .... jabs. Jabs. Not abs .... I will NEVER have abs ...! x

  • Comment number 9.

    Don't worry Deevs, I'll still be out there, no matter what the weather, I practically live in wellies!

    We have a glut of eggs at the moment from our chooks so I may just attempt to make some scones (as in gone) myself over the weekend, thanks for that idea.

    Have a good one everybody.



  • Comment number 10.

    Oooh Gail - the recipe mentioned above only used eggs to glaze. It's warm milk in with the SR flour to bind. How's about a nice Victoria sponge, or lemon loaf - they use a few eggs.

    Enjoy your puddlefun!


  • Comment number 11.

    Deevs, the bestest scone recipe in the world (according to my boys) is the really old Bero book - cheese scones which I make with red leicester. Don't think you can buy that book now, you'll have to find an old person whose had it since the war!!!!


    PS: Gail - there was definitely no sun up north this week. xx

  • Comment number 12.

    I'll have the name of your doctor please Deevs - I could do with getting some of those abs as well. There was a chap called Darren on Celebrity Big Brother who had false abs - I think they do a combination of liposuction and implants to give you that six pack look. Unfortunately, he was still short and fat so he looked just like one of those teenage mutant ninja turtles that the kids used to like.


  • Comment number 13.

    LOL Barmy! WHY do people have implants in weird places? (No, I don't mean places like bus shelters in Durham ..) Abs implants, bum cheek implants ... its all so bizarre! And the number of women on holiday who were proud to bathe topless but you could see implant scars under their boobles. Yuk!

    Annie - I don't like cheese scones, which is weird as I love cheese and I love scones! When I was still based down in Suffolk one of my team used to bring in these "amazing" cheese scones she'd made before work - they'd still be warm - and the whole team used to gather round, praise her, ummmm and ahhhh and ooooooh over the scones. I used to put on a brave face out of politeness but really didn't like them!

    See - told you I was too nice for my own good sometimes!


  • Comment number 14.

    Arternoon All!

    Chris, missed nancy di lollipop this morning (ha ha Deevs!) In fact missed all of you as didnt wake up till 9.40 opps!!! have had another mega mad week with BIG boss lady from EMEA for 4 days and am all worn out - and I've started talking with a german twang too! Been talking to my team about "resergers" not "researchers" LOL

    Anyway, no time for catching up apart from todays - Annie, glad you had a smashing time. I'm at the cottage that I go to for the week before xmas and there is a log fire there - cant beat it!

    Gail, enjoy time in the puddles - that'll be two dirty dogs to bath I bet!

    Barmy - nice to see you - to see you nice!

    MM - hope you get your tele sorted

    Deevs - I too need to go to the Doc to get abs - mine is a flu one - note to self - book it danno

    hmm, baking - I really dont have the hands for this - my rock buns were very aptly named during "domestic science", and I'll never live the "pasty pastry" down that I made last year - they would definately have survived an explosion of any kind!!!!

    Right, last few emails to deal viz, zen its vine o'clok vor me!
    Tatty bye

  • Comment number 15.

    Debs, I have ordered waterproof doggy overalls for Glaid and Denny, hopefully they will be a success, will report back on them (with photos).

    Penguin time??



  • Comment number 16.

    Ooo deevs - cheese scones, got a great little recipe - I think its a Delia one - that has olives in too - yum yum, specially nice toped with some sour cream and chives.....

    off to drool, be back later

  • Comment number 17.

    Wipe that dribble from your chin Lady Chards!

    Back from docs. One jab in left arm, one jab in right arm and a bag of chocolate peanuts on the way home (for after tea!) for being such a brave soldier ......


  • Comment number 18.


    After much phoning and moaning telly is sorted in time for The One Show.

    Bring it on!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Howya Puddin's.

    Now then here's a thing. Am a born an' bred Northern Bird, cut me 'ead off an' it'll say Wigan right through, an' I've always said Scone as in rhymes wit Yon, eg. Alas, Yon steamroller's just run ovver me ferret. An' yet am told that a true Northener says Scone as in rhymes wit Flown, eg. By the crin, t' budgie's Flown outa t' washouse window. Only Big Soft Southern Jessies say Skeeawn as in Lawks, One's Gone and Shone One's headlamps on the Butler's tent. Jayzus. It would appear I need elocution lessons.

    Not only can I not SAY scone proper, I can't make one to save me life. Alex might 'ave nice ones but mine would repel a sniper at 5 yards, I kid you not. The last batch I made ended up in the budgie's cage for said psychopath to sharpen 'is beak on. Actually, wit the addition of a couple a polo mints, one each side, they were somewhat more durable than the little green plastic wobbly man 'e used to spar with.

    I make a rather marvellous curry, fish pie to die for, souffle like zeppelins, Victoria sponge that 'as to be tied down wit guy ropes an' as for me raspberry buns... spectacular. But scones, nah. Garbage. So am dyin' to see what 'Imself's turn out like.

    As for Nancy; I actually really liked her. More nuts than a kleptomaniac squirrel wit a week to live, that'll do for me. Top Bird.


  • Comment number 20.

    Hooray, it's Friday!!

    Chips for tea and wine in the fridge, all I've got to do is persuade Mr Sezza to do the taxi run and I'm made!

    Scone as in flown, M'aam (as in Jam!!) can't remember the last time I made any - maybe that need to go on the list of things to do this half term

    I'm planning to make Cauliflower Cottage Cheese tomorrow - saw it on Something for the weekend and thought it looked very interesting!

    Oh, and Clodagh! I think that's quite enough about your raspberry buns thank you very much!

    Maybe we need to be taking a few home-baked supplies up to R2 to keep us going on phone answering day!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Hi all

    Thanks again for the lovely comments, but his Mum passed away on Wednesday! So sad!

    I need to catch up a bit, been wallowing in a bit too much grief recently if I'm honest! Or maybe I should just forget the past and move on....

    I heard some of Nancy, cos I was late to work today. She sounded really nice and intelligent...and speaking on live radio in a second language can never be easy!

    JG x

  • Comment number 22.

    JG, I'm sorry to hear your sad news. I'll be thinking of you. Take care won't you

    Nancy did sound interesting. Made me think how much there is in the way something is said.

    Saw Chris on the one show and he had a picture of Noah making his scones - little fella has grown so much!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    Just been checking my recipes for tomorrow Sezza - Lentil Lasagne made with cottage cheese instead of cheese sauce, and homemade tomato soup - all from Cranks. My lot are descending for lunch, as is Kirstie - that woman will go anywhere for a free meal.

    JG, so sorry to hear your news. Take care. xxxxx

  • Comment number 24.

    What time you dishing up Annie? I could hijack a lift at Stanstead!

    Have persauded Mr Sezza to do taxi run - cheers!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Slainte Sezza. About 1pm? Hope you can make it. xxxxx

  • Comment number 26.

    See what I can do Annie.

    Will depend on whether I can sneak into the cargo hold of the 10.15am from stanstead!

    Best start looking like a suitcase!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Watching Autumn Watch. Fascinating stuff about lichen. Was telling the boys all about it this week. Yes, I know, I need to get a life.


  • Comment number 28.

    Good morning all

    Off down to Dorset shortly for FiL 95th birthday tomorrow!

    Happy birthday to Babyman for Monday xx

    Hugs to one and all and I will be back lurking or posting later next week.


    Susan x

  • Comment number 29.

    Hi all, hope you're well?

    Been away in Florida for 2 weeks with a childrens charity. We took 12 disabled kids for a holiday of a lifetime and it was amazing. I am humbled and inspired by theit attitude to life despite the hand they've been dealt. Their fear on the rides, grins on their faces and chortles, no, hysterical laughter from their tiny mouths was brilliant. Yeah it made me feel good about myself but it was genuinely all about the kids for a fortnight. If you ever get the chance to do such a thing then I highly recommend it. NHF is the name of the charity,but I'm assured there are many, many more all over the UK.

    Back to the grindstone now though, work is as manic as ever and the training starts next week for the 2012 London marathon - eeeek.
    Having my left knee MRI'd on Nov 8th as a precaution before I propel myself fully into pounding the roads of Norfolk prior to those 26.2 miles of London streets.

    Hope you're all well out there in blogsville, I assume you're all going to CiN again this year? What a brill day you'll have, I remember it well.

    Love to you all

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 30.

    that should've been 'their lack of fear on the rides'.....

  • Comment number 31.

    Afternoon Mr KW, and everyone else in blogland

    Good for you with the Florida thing KW, that sounds really uplifting and an experience you wno't forget in a hurry.

    Yep, we're doing CiN again this year - there's 37 of us and for the first time EVER R2 are letting bloggers man the entire phone room from 10-7. So it's going to be a fun day but a hectic day. And rewarding. Most of us are meeting for brekkie beforehand, and then off out for dinner and a few jars after the shift ends at 7pm and the 37 volunteers hail from this 'ere blog and Mr Mayo's blog next door.

    Can't wait!

    Muchos amore, for now.


  • Comment number 32.

    Me again.

    Sorry for sudden exit - the chaps returned from swimming demanding luncheon of sandwiches and crisps. They've gone out again now so here I am ....

    JG, sorry to learn you've had more bad news this week. I think (if its possible) thinking to the future is the way to go, and I'm sure your friend will take comfort in your friendship. And I'm really looking forward to seeing you in December for my first ever visit to Manc land.

    Right, Hotel Inspector on Cloud+ awaits my attention .....


  • Comment number 33.

    'Lo everybody

    Phew, busy day today. Spent most of the day making Christmas Decorations from old junk! We're decorating a tree at the nearest RHS garden and I can't believe how much we got done today. I thought we'd have to have a couple of goes at it!

    Then I thought I'd get dinner made so now I can sit back, relax and wait for Strictly!

    KW, Sounds like an amazing trip - truely the trip of a lifetime. Now, take care of that knee and good luck with the training

    Deevs, Am so proud that there are so many bloggers going to do their bit for CiN

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Evening all

    Just popping in to say hello really!

    Despite all the support, my "friend" decided he doesn't want to speak to me again... That's ok, it might be grief related, but I won't be in contact again with him...he said some things that were just out of order, grief or not!!

    Knocked me back a bit, but I'm ok now...

    JG x

  • Comment number 35.

    Oh Dear JG. Sounds like a situation you are better out of for now - at least until he sorts his head out!

    Take care of yourself. You need your strength and your focus for you and your family just now

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Evening each

    Gingembre - your trip sounds wonderful, well done you. And, as others have said, be very careful of that knee.

    JG, look after yourself my dear.

    Sezza, for goodness sake woman!!! Christmas decorations indeed.

    Have had all my lot, plus Kirstie, today and it was manic. The smoke alarm kept going off and scaring the little ones, there were entirely too many people in the kitchen and one little one was left behind!!!! Not really, I offered to look after the 2yr old to give her parents a wee break, although they still have the newborn. She's now sleeping in my bed so I might have to sleep in her blow-up peppa pig bed.


  • Comment number 37.

    Good luck Annie!!

    And yes, I'm keeping well clear...for ever!! I don't need that sort of behaviour in my life!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 38.

    We were only making them Annie - Honest! They're all been packed away in boxes until the tree goes up

    JG, how's the lovely Finlay doing these days?

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Hi Sezza

    Finlay is doing fine, annoying as ever, as I get muddy footprints everywhere!!

    I'm still only half-way through Strictly, so keeping off everything else...

    JG x

  • Comment number 40.

    Morning all!
    Looks like its going to be another glorious autumn day here - trying to persuade GD to get out of her pit so we can do something.....

    Nice to see KW pop in, wow, some trip, I think I'd have been balling my eyes out the whole time! As others have said, take care of that knee.

    Just catching up with XF - wow some fighting going on :-O

    Right going to put the kettle on - coffee anyone?
    Have a great sunday whatever you are up to

  • Comment number 41.

    Morning all

    had a really lazy day yesterday, just managed to get a few new tops for me and a couple of shirts for him, and the food shopping and that was all - although I did make potato cakes for the first time, maybe one day I will become an aceptable housewife.

    Today I am mostly sorting out my car ready to say goodbye to it as I get my new lease car on Tuesday ( a black CR-Z if anyone is interested), selling more junk on ebay (and sending tapes to mr chris evans) and maybe mr bp's tax return!

    Hope all are well


  • Comment number 42.

    I have a question for the clever people of the blog

    we have a tier of wedding cake left as it was saved for the traditional reason but two years on is still wrapped and needs to be eaten, do I
    a) use it as Christmas cake
    b) donate it to someone who needs a wedding cake
    c) throw it away
    d) do something else?

    All advice would be greatful


  • Comment number 43.

    Just a thought Baggy, Portion it up and bring to CIN, I would happily purchase a slice and put something in the pot for CIN.

    My three year old Christmas cake is still very moist. These cakes store for years, if you have other ideas for it.

    Hi to everyone, lovely day, lets hope it continues for a bit longer. This time next week, we'll be an hour further on. Yikes!


  • Comment number 44.

    MTF - thats a great idea and Mr bp think so too, and we could save some for Christmas.
    Its already two years old, the icing, marzipan etc is still in date but runs out end of the year so I would rather just use it up and then it is gone!

    So my wedding cake will be avilable for CIN, all donations to pudsey,


  • Comment number 45.

    Afternoon all

    Hope everyone is well and off out enjoying themselves. Me, I've got an afternoon in planned. Have just run the vacuum round to drown the neighbours "music" out and think it's time to put my feet up and sew, now they've taken the hint and turned the noise off! I'm trying to make the most of a rare spot of time at home, had a long day out yesterday and am out and about most weekends between now and the C word. Scary stuff. However someone has had the foresight to plan my next busy weekend with and extra hour in as the clocks go back... Maybe I won't be so exhausted at the end of that one?

    Baggy: I like MTF's idea for your cake :) What a lovely thought, I'm sure Pudsey will approve :)

    Hugs to anyone needing them

  • Comment number 46.


    Having just stuffed myself with roast dinner and then jam roly poly and custard I don't think I'll be able to move for a week!!

    Baggy, love the wedding cake idea. Do we have to wear hats again? ;-)

    I had thought of bringing some cake to CiN and leaving it with the sarnie selection. I'll donate mine as it's not a special one

    It's been glorious here today and I've hardly been out of the door! How bad is that. I wonder if Debs managed to tempt her girlie out with her?

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Evening each from a totally shattered Gran. Just put the 2yr old to bed and am going to have a shower and wash my hair (you can't do that with a 2yr old faffing about). We had a lovely day, buying a dolly buggy and meeting up with her big cousins who are so good with her.

    Taking her home tomorrow - thank goodness - much as I love her, 2 nights is long enough!!

    SB, great idea from mtf.


  • Comment number 48.

    Hi everyone,

    Do we reckon that Chris paid £5,000 (as per Heather Mills) for his touch of ginger! My local barbers could have done it for a tenner and the rest could have gone to CiN!

    Looking forward to hitting a couple of garden centres this week with the kids, to have a scone, cream and jam helping. What comes first - jam or cream? Got to be jam then cream for me!

    See you.


  • Comment number 49.


    If you're in Devon you put your clotted cream on both halves and then your jam on the top.

    If you're in Cornwall you put your jam on first and then your cream.

    Up north 'ere we're easy either way!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Morning all, quick fly by to wish everyone a happy week - I'm hoping mine will be on more of an even keel than of late, so might have more chance of keeping up.

    Sezza, nope, didnt get out after all! And I too was thinking of bringing something to the sarnie table for CiN but am up the night before so will have to think of something that will "keep" without the need for a fridge or going stale.....

    Right, best get on
    Happy Monday everyone

  • Comment number 51.

    Didn't get a chance to comment earlier over the weekend. I have to say I was plesantly suprised by Nancy - I loved her and found her interesting to listen to!! I was waiting for car crash radio that never happened!!

    Have a great day bloggers.........not too many sleeps till CIN x x x x

  • Comment number 52.

    Morning All,

    Another sunny day in Norfolk - hope all of you over in 'The West' are staying out of the rain?

    Well, what a fantastic show on Friday - I was driving back from Cheltenham so I was able to listen live to the whole thing. Nancy was just lovely, how surprising and enjoyable it all was. Chris was brilliant.

    Baggy - how's the CRZ? I've had a white one for 11 months, and done over 23,000 miles so far ... love it!!

    JG - what a tough time you're having, take care.

    Roo - hope Jasper is continuing to improve? Thanks for the comments about trying side-saddle - I did on Saturday, but it was even worse than normal riding. All due to the angle of the knee (it's the right one) so, next week I'm going to try a western saddle & see how it goes.

    Hope everyone else is fine & dandy, have a good week!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 53.



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