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9.35 am

Chris Evans | 09:45 UK time, Monday, 24 October 2011

Monday's show done and dusted - and off we go again with what we all know will be another week that passes like an Express train.

Hold on to your hats, it's gonna fly by - they all do nowadays. Good thing? Bad thing? Irrelevant really. It is what it is. We'd just better get on with it.

Hope you don't get rained on too much if you're around the danger areas. Keep what you can dry, and we'll see you hopefully tomorrow at 6.30 am sharp - after little Aled Jones has warmed you up for a bit.

Peace, Love and Umbrellas,





  • Comment number 1.


    You're not wrong Chris, time is flying by and I don't like it, but as you say, nowt we can do about it.

    No rain in Surrey, beautiful sunshine, washing blowing nicely.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris: yes, the days, weeks, months and indeed, years are vanishing! Wish I could make is slow down just a little. Chris, I listened again to your show last Thursday - it was absolutely hysterical that you played Father & Son by Boyzone, which you thought had been covered by Westlife! I'll have know, there is NO similarity between Boyzone and Westlife!!

    Hi everyone else: hope all's well.

    C xx

    P.S. Can I just say something? I love Harry Pearce (Spooks) !

  • Comment number 3.

    Good Morning CE & Everyone.

    No rain here on the Wirral peninsula and the work continues on my roof. Hope I have my aerial back on the chimney soon as TV comes and goes. Last night I sat down to watch both Strictly and X Factor result shows but the picture kept on freezing. Decided to watch online but it kept on cutting off after 15 minutes Aaaaaarrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh!

    Time goes by so quickly Chris, the older we get the faster it seems to fly by. It doesn't seem any time at all since last Christmas.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi all

    CG - from previous blog - you are the first person I know who has bought one, I get mone tomorrow (black) but a lot of people have them here on the lease plan, its either that or Jazz or Civics! I'm glad your enjoying it!

  • Comment number 5.

    oh, and I forgot to say - B&Q are selling CiN goods - I got a lovely set of tea towels!

  • Comment number 6.

    Is yours the top-of-the-range version Baggy? Mine is a company car, so I was able to choose which model I wanted. I really do love it & you are the only other person I know who has one too!! I think it's because they are actually quite expensive to buy, fantastically cheap to run though - road fund tax was £0 last year and £20 this year. Great sound system too..... with voice activated controls.

    OK OK I know, I'm getting boring now .......... :-)

    CG xx

  • Comment number 7.

    we get the mid range one, so not all toys or GPS but still pretty good - and a great choice for your company car - ours is a lease deal so we just pay a small monthly charge and hand back in 6 months.

  • Comment number 8.

    Afternoon All,

    Without wishing to rub it in, especially to the poor folks in the West, but it is glorious here in the Garden of England. Lovely clear blue skies and sunshine!

    Chris, Life is certainly flying by, it will be summer before we know it.

    Gingembre, Good to read you and how rewarding your trip sounds xx

    JG, Wow, it's one thing after another :( Hang in there, sending hugs {{{}}} xx

    Annie, Glad you had a good time away and Sezza, enjoy your week (and a day) off xx

    Nothing much going on here, a nice relaxing weekend. The parentals came for tea on Saturday and I had spent the afternoon baking scones (and in one) and brownies. Packed my Dad off with a box of brownies.


  • Comment number 9.

    Hello all, hope everyone is fine and dandy.

    You're right Chris, time does fly. And the older you get, the faster it goes!
    Not complaining though as it makes those longed for moments arrive more quickly.
    On the other hand, they are over too soon!
    Can't have it both ways I suppose.

    Looking forward to meeting up with blog mates in York this weekend, and not long till CiN now too. Exciting times!

    Just spent a fab weekend in the capital with good friends. Walked till we dropped and crammed masses in. Sadly St Pauls was closed due to the protesters camped outside so will just have to do another trip sometime soon ;-)

    If you ever need somewhere cheap and atmospheric to eat, you could do worse than to visit Bodeans, a BBQ style restaurant. We went to the one by the Tower of London , but they have others elsewhere. Huge portions, and really fast service, fantastic!

    Right, I must get on, the washing won't do itself, then there's the ironing, dusting, vacuuming..........

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon! Just popping in whilst I munch my lunch

    CLP - you are not wrong about time flying - how come I'm *cough cough* heading towards 50 in a few years when only last week I was 30???

    All dry in this part of the wescountry but spoke to mother who is in cornwall and she said it was like standing under a watering can. Hmm not sure how she knows that....

    But the wind is a changing and I fear it will be upon us shortly. I guess a certain fairy will be battling the floods as we speak! Drive safe MTF!

    Right enough jibber jabber from me - best get back at it - need to learn all about agency HGV drivers now - wheres that Bingo when you need him!


  • Comment number 11.

    Afternoon each

    Didn't hear the show this morning as the never-ending videos of Peppa Pig were on yet again. Delivered 2yr old home to her mum and didn't see the baby seat in the back of the car till I got home. Double bums. Will have to make another 100 mile round trip on Wednesday.

    Had a nasty moment on the Edinburgh bypass - my eyes went all funny - rather scary but it didn't last long thank goodness. I now have migraine in my eyes and am feeling rather not well. It's probably down to the fact that the 2yr old would only sleep in my bed so for the last 2 nights I've not had much sleep what with arms battering my head and feet stuck in my back. Early night tonight methinks.

    Hope everyone is ok - and where's CSN? Haven't heard from her for ages.


  • Comment number 12.

    Evening all

    Can't believe how dark it is tonight and the clocks haven't even gone back yet!

    Annie, hope you're feeling better and are tucked up nice and warm and cosy

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Evening Allstars,

    Chris, you're so right, nothing to be done so sit back and enjoy the ride.
    I got to listen to the whole show today as well as a bit of Aled. I've got to say, that for me is the perfect combination.
    I have nothing against Vanessa, and I love her use of the English language, but she doesn't do it for me.
    Anyhoo - your show is sounding tip top and we all know that's all that really matters.

    Right, got to go, working 'airside' at Heathrow tonight with the commissioning boys.
    I could pretend to be hard done by, but I love it really - all the planes whizzing around you - stuff I used to dream of as a boy (yeah - like I've grown up!).

    Take care all



  • Comment number 14.

    Rips, nice to see you - enjoy the planes whizzing around.

    Sezza, just had a lovely bubbly bath and taking hot chocolate and toast to bed. Yum.


  • Comment number 15.

    Thanks Debs, in the words of Bazza., I made it through the rain. Well, actually, Noggin the Nog did. He will get his first swimming badge tomorrow. I approached the place that the fire brigade pulled me out of a couple of years ago, with much trepidation.

    I had been happily pootling along behind one of the 'paper trucks' that use the route and usually pull in at lay bys to allow a good flow of traffic. When he kindly pulled in this evening, that made me the lead vehicle for about 15 miles. Some quite deep stretches and I admit to 'chickening out' at being the first to go through the supposed aforementioned stretch and pulled in, to allow others to decide whether or not to enter the water. Not a drop, would you believe it, looks like they have finally sorted the problem. I wonder how many cars it cost, to put that right. My little Rover was a write off as a result and there was a write up about it in the local paper. Words to the effect of ..... Woman in hytsterics, still spring to mind!

    Very much looking forward now, to catching up with everyone at CIN. Have been a bit out of the loop lately. Glad you liked my idea Mr and Mrs Baggy. I get a piece of cake too, so, result ;)

    I hope everyone has a great time at York this weekend. Wish I could have been there, but its me laddos 18th and he actually wants me here, albeit for taxi duties, but I know my place!!

    And so we say farewell, to any chance of any more Summer, but how kind was it (sorry lasses and lads north of the border) to extend so far into October.

    Only yesterday, I was sat on the waters edge, in short sleeves at half four in the afternoon, watching the wading birds feeding on the incoming tide. The best things in life etc....

    Plus last weekend, dropped a cake in for the lovely Mr Bids, before heading up to the South Downs and guess what? So many swallows, still braving this side of the channel. I think thats the last we'll see of them though.

    Just going to read back through properly, to see how all are.

    Nice to see you, to see you nice :)

    Happy Days.


  • Comment number 16.

    Morning all.

    Bit chilly here.

    Annie, nice to know someone cares when I go missing. Hope you are feeling better and get a rest after having looked after little one for the last few days. xx

    Been manic at home the last few weeks but I am pleased to say some of the work is now completed, just got some more windows to be replaced, a bathroom to be ripped out and the roof repairs to be done in November.

    Mr CSN and I saw all the family on the weekend, which was lovely and yesterday we went to my favourite two shops and bought some new furniture. We are also hoping to have little grandson this Friday for the first time after six weeks of him not being able to stay with us.

    Marjie, hope your roof has now been done. xx

    Hope you all have a good Tuesday.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Well I'M 'angin' on to me 'at, that's for sure. Dang right it's flyin' by.

    Just a quickie to all of yous lovely lot to say Break A leg on CiN day; am in a MAD jealous rage an' distraught I can't join yous all. I know you'll have an absolute blast, so soak it up, hurrah!!

    Me, I'll be at a Menswear fair in Dublin, sportin' the Androgynous Chic look in the suit an' tie wit the vertiginous python heels, fancyin' meself as a sartorial Goddess whilst actually lookin' more like Eddie Izzard's Granny. Boo. Still. Am 'Avin' A Go; as I've said before. Cr@p but willin', me.

    Big hugs to all, and bottoms up, (but not at the same time),


  • Comment number 18.

    hi all

    just went down to the work canteen to buy tea, they had scones (as in gone) so I had to get one - would be rude not too!
    I have my new car - less then 100 miles on the clock and looks great but a bit scared to drive it out of the basement, will try and get out early so I can do it with no one watching!


    PS - really looking forward to CiN now and meeting all of you

  • Comment number 19.

    ok, I would like to resurect the blog - who is about? I know I am to blame for not blogging that much anymore but if we all pull together we can have a chat - so how about 2 word Tuesday?

    New car :-)

  • Comment number 20.

    Hi Baggy, and everyone else.




  • Comment number 21.

    Fed Up


  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon All,

    Trapped Nerve !!


  • Comment number 23.

    lol, its working - sorry to see the bad ones :-(

  • Comment number 24.

    HOME 3.30!

  • Comment number 25.

    Chocolate Brownies :-)

  • Comment number 26.

    Found Giraffe


    New Cats

    Hello Baggy!

  • Comment number 27.

    You can look at it both ways - you're closer to retirement with each week that passes (i suppose that could get a bit boring though).

    When will you be hanging up the radio headphones, if ever Mr Evans?

  • Comment number 28.


  • Comment number 29.

    So, you got the new car then Baggy - how exciting! I have to say the vision out of the rear view mirror aint special, but fine once you get used to using the wing mirrors instead. good luck with it.

    Having to write a very long and boring Board report today......... keep blogging peeps, I need an excuse not to work .........

    CG xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Hi Andy - glad the cat turned up!
    CG - I haven't driven it yet - planning to sneak out at 4 to give it a go so warning to any on my way home!

  • Comment number 31.

    Hello Louisrix

    Welcome to the blog. Given that his predecessor was still doing Wake up to Wogan until he was over 70. I think we have a few years left yet.

  • Comment number 32.


    I'm sure you'll be fine with the new car.

    It was the GD's giraffe, which she was very attached to, which turned up after hiding in the childminder's playhouse for a a couple of weeks!

    We have also just got new cats, from a friend who was moving and couldn;t take them with her.


  • Comment number 33.


    Salmon Tonight

  • Comment number 34.


    Radiator cleaning.


  • Comment number 35.

    Stair Rods!

  • Comment number 36.

    Sunshine now!

  • Comment number 37.

    Penny are you after a job with the met office?

  • Comment number 38.

    Rainbow overhead!

    Andy, I could do a much better job!

    Pleased Giraffe turned up, GD must have been bereft. Enjoy Kitties.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 39.

    Roof on:)

  • Comment number 40.

    Maddy - Hooray! ;)

  • Comment number 41.

    Aerieal too :)

    Double hooray :) :)

  • Comment number 42.

    Report finished


    CG xx

  • Comment number 43.

    D'oh! Aerial!

  • Comment number 44.

    Welldone CG!

  • Comment number 45.

    Cup of tea anyone.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Hurrah CG!

  • Comment number 47.

    Marjie, great news.

    CG, well done.


  • Comment number 48.

    Seconds countdown :(

  • Comment number 49.

    Marjie, LOL!


  • Comment number 50.

    Hi CSN :)

    One sugar!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 51.



  • Comment number 52.

    LOL CSN!

    Too late :)

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Well done Marjie on the 50th post.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Hey, it's fun on here today :-)

    Nearly time to go home - do you think any one would notice if I had a very small glass of savvy b tonight .............. it is very nearly wednesday .......

    Have a great evening everyone, 'see' you all tomorrow

    CG xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Penny have you been stalking me at the supermarket - I have Salmon tonight too, great minds eh!

    Not much to report, Well done Maddy on the new roof and 50th post
    CG well done on completing the report.

    My two word tuesday is sore toe!

    Have a good day everyone CB xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Thank you CSN.

    How is your house coming along, it must be a nightmare. I was getting fed up and it was all outside but the noise, dust and no TV was getting me down.

    It will all be worth though very soon when you see the end results.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    CG #54 I agree, well done to Baggy for kickstarting us into saying something!

  • Comment number 58.

    Thank you Marjie.

    All the work is going well and some of it is now completed.

    I am having the roof repaired in November. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Hold on to your hat CSN (maybe a builder's hat!)

    Thanks Baggy:)

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Marjie, I have been wearing a builders hat for weeks now.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Evening all,

    Time ,that is what I haven't got enough of at the moment ,I could really do with 48 hours to my day.
    Well we seem to have a mixed bag of weather around at the mo ,not been too bad here a few showers and that's it ,but I think it's all about to change come Thursday.

    Our trip down to Somerset was a great success and Mr B and myself had a lovely time ,And Keith and his lovely wife put on a splendid affair .He has a most beautiful wife and family and that little grandson is a handsome pleasant little chap.. so I'd just like to say a big Thank you to Keith (Not So Big One ) for your hospitality. looking forward now to the panto in Feb ,Oh!!! yes I am.

    Crissie /Debs ,I did pass on your message to the happy couple...

    Next week end it's York and I'm taking eldest GD with me ,and looking forward to it now .looking forward to seeing the girls and just maybe a little bit of retail ,I do like a bit of retail.

    Annie ,did see that you were feeling a bit poorly ,so hope that you're feeling better by now.

    Maddy, hooray for you and your new roof ,all nice and water tight for the winter ,and I hope the your Ariel and everything is back to normal for you .

    I have every intion of having an early night tonight as I have to be at work for 7 oclock in the morning as my mrs boss is going into hospital for an op on her foot ,so I'll sart my duty early ,but dont think i'll be getting away early ,swings and roundabouts ,don't mind in the least as I couldn't wish to work for two nicer people

    By the way-(Scooby Cat )mr boss is doing great doesn't have to go back to the hospital for six months this time ...

    Right, I have a washing machine to unload and some laundry to put away .

    Take care out there ,and stay safe.


  • Comment number 62.

    My two words - Silverstone Day!!

    Well,actually Mr Sezza's two words, we just went to watch!

    Maddy and CSN, good to hear the building works are progressing well. I hope they are all fixed soon

    MTF, Very glad to hear you travelled safely yesterday - I was thinking of you

    Andy, so it was your family giraffe. I heard that!

    CB, Ouch!!!

    CG, Good idea , I might have to join you!

    Clodagh, am sure you will be stunning!! As in they'll all be stunned!

    BTW, did anyone else have an urge to say "menswear" in a John Inman styleee when they read Clodagh's post!! I'm free!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    My two words.... Eye Level .....how wonderful was that this morning? I was driving past fields on my way to work humming along to it. Fantastic. It put me in a lovely mood first thing! Christophe, you are a tonic!

    Can't wait to see everyone on the 18th...just getting a smidge excited!

    Glad you and Noggin survived the recent deluge, MTF.

    madchick x

  • Comment number 64.

    Good Night

    Loli x

  • Comment number 65.

    Hi, haven't caught up sorry!

    Got back from by Uncle's funeral in record time, my ex seems to have calmed his driving, but still manage 85 mph!! Maybe it's the different car?? Anyway I felt safe and secure, there and back...!! Sorry KW!!

    For the other friend, I'm not going back there, as awful as it sounds when they've just lost their Mum, unforgivable things were said, and they are not for here!! I'm just glad I found out when I did...

    Sorry Baggy, yesterday just got out of control, and then stuck on the M40...another time hopefully!

    Hope safely now after a sad day, but lovely day if you know what I mean...

    I'll tell you more about the hair-raising trip home some other time!! lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 66.

    Night everyone.

    Sleep well and take care.

    Chris, great show this morning. xx

    JG, thinking of you. xx

    Andy, hope the two cats are settling in well. xx

    Night Loli. xx

    Sezza, thank you. Has Mr Sezza started decorating yet. xx

    Hi Madchick, CG and Bids. xx

    Deevs, sending you big hugs. xx

    Annie, hope you are feeling better tonight. xx

    Chrissie, miss you on the blog today. xx

    Ali, hope you feel better soon. xx

    Pen, I had chicken in a red wine sauce tonight. xx

    So sorry if I have missed anyone, I blame it on my age. LOL!

    Lots of love to you all.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 67.

    great to see so many comments - lets see if we can keep it up

    JG - sorry to miss you on Monday - vertual hug coming your way instead of the real one I had saved for you

  • Comment number 68.

    Morning All,

    Well done Baggy on getting us all going again.

    JG, I remember going to a funeral not too long after myself and my ex had split up and we travelled together from the funeral to the tea, and it was the weirdest thing ever, sitting there chatting away but not together anymore!!

    Chrissie - you need to listen to Dermot's show on Saturday afternoon, Mark King is going to be on teaching Dermot how to play the guitar.

    Have a good Hump Day everyone.



  • Comment number 69.

    Hi everyone:

    Just want to say to Baggy: well done for saving the blog yesterday. It is fair to say it has been dying a slow death.

    Maddy: great to see your roof is back on and the aerial has been restored!

    CSN: thank you - just didn't get the chance to get on the blog yesterday - I usually stick my nose in at some point! Sounds like things are moving along now with your house, but still lots to do. You'll get there. xx

    Bids: lovely to see you had such a nice weekend.

    JG: Yes, I understand exactly what you mean about your Uncle's funeral. xx
    I missed what happened with your friend. Sounds as if he was totally out of order - it's his loss, as I am sure he will find out.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Hi Gail: you popped in while I was writing my post. Oooh, that's exciting news about MK - thanks for letting me know! Will have to check that the lovely Deebee next door knows about this!


  • Comment number 71.

    Morning All,

    I hope everyone is fine and dandy this Hump Day morning. I have just seen a beautiful double rainbow from my office window. I had to pull the blind up and marvel at it for a while :)

    My nerved is still trapped, but not quite as bad as yesterday. That'll teach me to straighten my hair!

    I heard Andy and Bingo mentioned on Drive Time yesterday, well done lads.

    JG, Thinking of you and sending hugs {{}} xx

    I'm really looking forward to seeing people again and meeting friends for the first time at CiN, it's going to be a great day.

    csn, I'm glad you building work is getting there, it will definitely be worth the pain and sacrifice in the end xx I'm taking next week off to decorate my bathroom, not that it will take me a week (I hope!)

    Just waiting for the arrival of an IT man to install an all singing and dancing printer/copier/scanner/fax machine, bet it doesn't make the tea though!


  • Comment number 72.



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