Next week's themes...
We're going to try something a bit different this week. It's an idea that was prompted by the sometimes surprising requests that come in. I'm always surprised by suggestions from young kids asking for stuff like Black Sabbath and it's brilliant to hear of the so called older generation asking for brand new music. Hopefully this week will give us a snapshot of musical taste across the generations....
Monday 3rd May
It's a holiday Monday tonight we have truly no idea about what might get asked for tonight. Each song on tonight's show must link into the next one. After picking a random opening song, you decide what comes next - the only rule is that the last word of the previous title must be included in the next song played. So Message In A Bottle followed by Tonight The Bottle Let Me Down followed by Down Under followed by Under pressure and so on...
Tuesday 4th May
For the next three nights it's Get It On's Rock of Ages. Each night a different demographic and their unique taste in music. Tonight, only the under 30s can request. Is this the Oasis generation or if you're under 30 does your taste in music go way back? And what about today's teenagers - what are they listening to? The under 30s pick the hits tonight.
Wednesday 5th May
As our rock of ages continues it's the 30-50 age group who will be reavealing their music tastes. Did you grow up with Duran Duran or Dire Straits and what are the current albums that today's 50 year olds are buying? Middle age doesn't have to mean middle of the road as we'll find out tonight...
Thursday 6th May
Tonight we turn the show over to the over 50s. Will you go for fellow 50somethings like Jagger and McCartney, will you impress our younger listeners with the songs from your musical youth or are you the kind of Granny who is 'down wit da kidz'?
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Comment number 1.
At 30th Apr 2010, paolopablo wrote:Just wanted to be first.
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Comment number 2.
At 30th Apr 2010, paolopablo wrote:See you next week.
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Comment number 3.
At 30th Apr 2010, norriemaclean wrote:How old are you Paolo?
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Comment number 4.
At 30th Apr 2010, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#2
Know what you mean Pablito.
Its not as though there is a shortage of proper themes.
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Comment number 5.
At 30th Apr 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Paolo mis-read your comment sorry.
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Comment number 6.
At 30th Apr 2010, Scotch Get wrote:Nae goals this week.
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Comment number 7.
At 30th Apr 2010, Scotch Get wrote:Ach, weel. Ah wis spending too much time oan the laptop onyway, so Ah wis.
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Comment number 8.
At 30th Apr 2010, Scotch Get wrote:If ever we needed a caption competition.......
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Comment number 9.
At 30th Apr 2010, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:Wednesday:
Master Shortie - 'Dead End' (Radio Edit)
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Comment number 10.
At 30th Apr 2010, Scotch Get wrote:It might no' be that bad. Mah lassie is 27, and her favourites include Marley, Dylan and Stevie Ray Vaughan.
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Comment number 11.
At 30th Apr 2010, erlando-r wrote:Nae track listing for tonights show so had to fish around on the
i-player to find Frankie. And it was a good one too, ie - not "Caledonia" (though that's a good song really, it's a bit like Boys Are Back In Town for a Thin Lizzy fan who wants the world to hear a bit more of them.)
Anyway, chuffed for Gaie and bloggers and all listeners who enjoyed it :)
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Comment number 12.
At 30th Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:CAPTION:
"I can see my house from up here"
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Comment number 13.
At 30th Apr 2010, erlando-r wrote:caption,
"I know what i need to complete this groovy look. All the top tennis players wear them so it must be cool"
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Comment number 14.
At 1st May 2010, norriemaclean wrote:oooh by that lok on Mark knopflers face, he knows the rules and/or knows a klaxon when he hears one. And it is clear that a like a Mr R Hannah he has fallen foul of the Erskine / Ramius polis!
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Comment number 15.
At 1st May 2010, Adam_from_Rio wrote:Just catching up and listening to Thursday`s show - Norrie, how come you got the credit for my Jim Reeves request?
I see the klaxon warning on that Robert Cray song didnt work either and to compound matters I shared credit on it!!
And another thing while I`m here...
Andy Davies (Jonathan Ross`s producer) is looking for a job. He`s a fine man and is able to straddle music both young and old. I think GIO should snap him up now before some commercial station in London gets him.
I`m sure Babs could get a job with Henri`s McCauley & Co.
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Comment number 16.
At 1st May 2010, mary-doll wrote:just got in from a very debauched night out. if that's what you can call it when the worst thing you've heard all night is "last orders". the bar staff did look very bored. as did the Bombay Massala boys who had to deal with ladies clocking in from 7.15 to 8.15, changing their orders, requesting white wine to be chilled on the BYOB basis (WTF??!) and then deciding they wanted chicken, not lamb tikka. the patience of saints. They were still checking us out at 22.45. I just had to say (having worked in the "hospitallity sector" myself) look , there is a pub down the road, can we not just settle the bill and let these guys get off home? I'm a tall bird and quite intimidating when I need to be, but that was a real effort. Netball ladies can be very scary. Sometimes we just need to think about the service providers. They do what they can, we don't always appreciate it. A good meal sometimes goes unthanked. thank you for a good meal. Bombay Massala and GIO. I am a wee bit drunk, but still perfectly coherent. I think. BTW - snark = sn(ide) (rem)ark. thought it was common currency. ach, well.
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Comment number 17.
At 1st May 2010, Scotch Get wrote:Tall Viking bird? Intimidating?
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Comment number 18.
At 1st May 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Sorry about thath Adam, it was on my list. My list conformed to the guidelines though and I am not sure if yours did?
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Comment number 19.
At 1st May 2010, henri hannah wrote:17
Scotch, where do you come up with is stuff? It's mental.
But I shall not allow it to compromise my mental picture of mary - doll, a tall intimidating bird with sympathies for service providers.
mary-doll, your country needs you!
I agree with mary-doll! Vote mary-doll!
regardez youse
#14 - well, the Erskine polis can relax now:all our campaigning has brought a change to the beleaguered, mysterious guidelines - pigs will fly, at least once a week on a Friday...form an orderly queue...
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Comment number 20.
At 1st May 2010, norriemaclean wrote:The Erskine polis never relax Henri. Never.
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Comment number 21.
At 1st May 2010, henri hannah wrote:#15
Steady Adam,despite not playing my Ry Cooder request, Thursday's was a great show (I thought)....funnily enough, there have been various requests for Ry Cooder and I can't recall ever hearing him on GIO... that's a 'pigs will fly' candidate...
I suppose the structure of this weeks themes will prove that 'something' always fills a vacuum...what can we fill this with...?
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Comment number 22.
At 1st May 2010, norriemaclean wrote:He has been played a few times Henri, but always Little Sister. I've asked for him quite a lot as well would be good to hear more often.
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Comment number 23.
At 1st May 2010, Glen Miller wrote:For Friday's Over 60s night:
Don't Let Us Get Sick - Warren Zevon
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Comment number 24.
At 1st May 2010, DC wrote:Welcome back Glenn
Where's you bin?
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Comment number 25.
At 1st May 2010, DC wrote:#'s 2 - 10
Boys, stop seeing problems, see Challenges
Re-read the Tuesday theme. Where does it say that the figure has to do with age?
I am under 30 (stone) so I will indeed contribute to Tuesday evening
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Comment number 26.
At 1st May 2010, Scotch Get wrote:Complain about this comment (Comment number 26)
Comment number 27.
At 1st May 2010, Scotch Get wrote:Now that I have a reason to participate on Fridays, I shall fire the opening salvo in my personal Pigs Will Fly campaign by submitting suggestions for Monday's random opening song.
'Against the Wind' - Máire Brennan
'Highway Café' - Kinky Friedman
'Past the Point of Rescue' - Hal Ketchum
'All I Remember' - Christy Moore
'Wrapped Around' - Brad Paisley
'Sam Stone' - John Prine
'One of Them' - Jake Thackray
'Advance Australia Fair' - Sensitive New Age Cowpersons
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Comment number 28.
At 1st May 2010, Glen Miller wrote:#24
Lost In France - Bonnie Tyler
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Comment number 29.
At 1st May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#20
Zero tolerance policy. ;-)
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Comment number 30.
At 1st May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#24
He was put off by the Gunga Din.
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Comment number 31.
At 1st May 2010, Glen Miller wrote:Mick and Paul are long past their 50s and have been entitled to their old age pension for years.
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Comment number 32.
At 1st May 2010, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:#27. Scotch, I think I first heard of John Prine via Sam Stone having been played on GIO! I'll definitely join your Jake Thackray campaign however.
I need Mac and Max on here to further my Nine Below Zero campaign. Doubtless I'll be on my own in my quest to get The Tigerlillies some airplay.
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Comment number 33.
At 1st May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#32
I'll definitely back you on The Tiger Lillies but let's be careful which track is championed - BB is easily shocked and might have a hard time reading 'Vagina' out loud.
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Comment number 34.
At 1st May 2010, mary-doll wrote:#17 the perils of drunken blogging. SG, you found me out! There was I thinking I'd managed to keep my various online identities nicely separate......
#19 Boy am I glad you're voting for me - after listening to your moment of glory on the World at 1, I almost felt sorry for poor old Gordon - you took no prisoners. No wonder he was so rattled on Wednesday - all down to you! Well made points, BTW. Plus, you don't sound a bit like I imagined. Just goes to show.
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Comment number 35.
At 1st May 2010, mary-doll wrote:Well chuffed to see/ listen again - Gaie got her Frankie fix. That flying pig will save an awful lot of future heartache - I believe that was your suggestion, Robert. Hats off to you and to the GIO team for taking it on board. Enjoyed the song, too. Even if it did have a difficult delivery. To say I was delighted the M People track was pulled would be an understatement. Heather Small's voice grates on my sensitive soul.
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Comment number 36.
At 1st May 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#32
I assume you know that the Tiger Lillies will be playing at the Pleasance Courtyard during this year's festival? I'll back you on that, for sure! Let's hope we don't have to wait until next Easter for 'Banging in the Nails'
We all find out the hard way! LOL
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Comment number 37.
At 1st May 2010, mary-doll wrote:#27 Applaud the Christy Moore. Saw him at Horsecross last year. He was absolutely incredible, just one man and a guitar but what an atmosphere he created. The favourite of the night for me was
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Comment number 38.
At 1st May 2010, DC wrote:#28
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Comment number 39.
At 1st May 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#37
I love but it doesn't work for Monday!
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Comment number 40.
At 1st May 2010, mary-doll wrote:#39 He didn't play that one, but I like it. Shane McGowan may be a bit of a drunken shambles but there's no denying he's got talent.
I'm going to make a pitch for Wednesday.
I liked, not loved, Duran Duran in my youth but never hear the one song I consider their best played anywhere.
The Chauffeur
I'd provide a link, but the video has an advisory attached.
Otherwise, some Yazoo would be a treat.
Winter Kills or Ode to Boy
Again, not the ones that usually get played. Bleak but beautiful.
Or... Japan . I saw someone requested them earlier.
Have a feeling it could be another storming show.
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Comment number 41.
At 1st May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:...and we're back to the Vapors.
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Comment number 42.
At 1st May 2010, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:#33. Jimbo...being a woman of delicate sensibilities (and having more than half a brain cell), I was going to suggest 'Bully Boys' rather than the one you refer to...and I think it rather peurile of you to even mention that one!!!
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Comment number 43.
At 1st May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#42
Of course it was ;-)
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Comment number 44.
At 1st May 2010, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:Glad you realise :0(
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Comment number 45.
At 2nd May 2010, henri hannah wrote:#42
I think it's because puerile isn't in the guidelines that the polis feel they have to spell it out...well, Johnathan Swift could hardly do better.
Besides, it's rather presumptuous to speculate about what our Bryan is comfortable with... I feel certain that's the word Bryan uses all the time at home, and 'off air' to Miss Babs, but let's face it, there are cutbacks coming to the 91Èȱ¬ and no one wants to be first against the wall.
Why should he take the chance?
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Comment number 46.
At 2nd May 2010, DC wrote:Peurile or puerile, it's still below the belt
Let's get back to music shall we?
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Comment number 47.
At 2nd May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#45
Thanks. That's us all sorted now. And only three paragraphs.
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Comment number 48.
At 2nd May 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#20
"Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"
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Comment number 49.
At 2nd May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#48
What you're experiencing is . If you strike me down now I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine...
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Comment number 50.
At 2nd May 2010, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:#46...oops! My Latin teacher would be appalled!
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Comment number 51.
At 2nd May 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#32 Re: John Prine
A leading authority on the subject, whose identity I am not at liberty to divulge, is of the opinion that you are mistaken. But we're no' gonnae fa' oot ower something so trivial.
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Comment number 52.
At 2nd May 2010, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:#51 Oh yeah? It's quite sad but I'm certain I remember what I was doing when I heard it (because I was so taken with the song) and it must have been on GIO. I agree though, not going to fall out about and yer pal are wrong though ;0)
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Comment number 53.
At 2nd May 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#49
You have taken a statement from Obi-Wan Kenobi and ascribed it to Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. Your superiors regard this as deliberate obfuscation. I have been asked to inform you that such behaviour leads to inevitable consequences; i.e. not only will the Force no longer be with you, you will no longer be with the Force.
Be careful out there!
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Comment number 54.
At 2nd May 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#52
That is sad.
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Comment number 55.
At 2nd May 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#45
An excerpt from the 91Èȱ¬ Radio Scotland guidelines, aka 'How to Avoid the Wrath of the Moderators'
Which words to employ? Should we euphemise? A brief synopsis from
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Comment number 56.
At 2nd May 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Scotch no idea who you asked but as far as I'm concerned if Julie says she heard John Prine then that's good enough for me! :o)
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Comment number 57.
At 2nd May 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#56
Me too! Indeed, I'm looking forward to reading her requests for the show this week.
Roll on Thursday!
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Comment number 58.
At 2nd May 2010, paolopablo wrote:Don't know what this week is trying to prove. I really don't. So everyone in an age group asks for one song to get played...or a list of songs from which to pick one. Still don't know what it will prove. Like it's said in the headline piece it's surprising which age groups ask for what? So.....? I'll bet it will prove that different age groups all like a variety of music.
Erm why not just ask everyone who asks for a song on themeless Fridays to put their age on their request if you're wanting to take a snapshot or analysis instead of taking our themes away.
It's the prime reason we listen and participate. It's different and it's interesting. This idea is just pants. And I'm saying this in a week in which I wouldn't be able to participate much anyway for various reasons.
And Norrie #3 let's just say mine would be Tuesday night :-)
I wish!
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Comment number 59.
At 2nd May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#53
four candles. handles for forks.
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Comment number 60.
At 2nd May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#58
You could always get 'Cynthia' et al to blog for you on different days. Someone gets away with that all the time and disbelief is suspended.
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Comment number 61.
At 2nd May 2010, mary-doll wrote:#60 I tried to persuade my sons to put in some requests for me on Tuesday - we do share a lot of taste in music. Unfortunately, they refused to humour their old dear. "Mum, that's just sad". On reflection, I have to agree.
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Comment number 62.
At 2nd May 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#61
That is sad.
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Comment number 63.
At 2nd May 2010, henri hannah wrote:#58
Not to worry, Pablo - I suspect they're trying to figure out some casual anecdotal evidence about the demographic of the GIO audience so they can put a case for having an extra hour off of Steven Duffy (his mum's decided not to vote)Mary O'Hairy and the remains of Archie Fisher's Travelling Folk i.e. where have they travelled too? So far, they haven't turned up in the blogotariat, so where have they gone?
These are the kind of things programme makers think about. Good luck to them.
Still, it allows us to think about pigs will fly. I've been thinking that maybe it could be introduced with a wee jingle/announcement like the one the Muppets had for 'Pigs in Space' - which was my favourite bit of the show. They have clips of Pigs In Space on You Tube (inevitably) in case some of you are too young to remember The Muppet Show.
The blogotariat are represented by Waldorf and Statdler, the two old guys heckling form the balcony. Great stuff.
regardez youse
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Comment number 64.
At 2nd May 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#63
Waldorf & Statler aka Adam from Rio & EC from The North Sea
Wars have started over less.......
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Comment number 65.
At 2nd May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:It was rubbish.
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Comment number 66.
At 2nd May 2010, gaiebrown wrote:as far as blog participation goes this week I can only suggest that those of us veering towards the end of the week conduct our own survey of what we WERE listening to when we were less than 30, less than 50 etc. Actually I think it's a very cruel ploy whwereby not only does my mirror tell me that I'm a Thursday girl, but the whole darned GIO world has to be telt too. I think I'll be Archie this week.
in the meantime, here's my retrospective:
less than 30
Here They Come - Ten Years After
Key to the Highway - Eric Clapton
Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Bob Dylan
Bad Moon Rising - Creedence Clearwater Revival
Together Forever - Rab Noakes
Empty Rooms - John Mayall
Salty Dog Rag - Stefan Grossman
Spoonful - Cream
The Rock - Frankie Miller
Ship of Fools - Bob Seger
Rock & Roll Hoochie Koo - Rick Derringer
Gimme Shelter - Rolling Stones
and going further back, most things Motown
that's just a wee start.
over to you folks
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Comment number 67.
At 2nd May 2010, henri hannah wrote:#65
'Pigs in Space' was rubbish?
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Comment number 68.
At 2nd May 2010, DC wrote:#66 that's many of my 40s & 50s too!
#67 I think JfE was trying to be Waldorf. You were supposed to reply "it wasn't that good"
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Comment number 69.
At 2nd May 2010, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:#67 #65 It was just another one of his Muppet Newsflashes ;0)
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Comment number 70.
At 2nd May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#65, #67, #69
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Comment number 71.
At 2nd May 2010, norriemaclean wrote:It wasn't that fast.
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Comment number 72.
At 2nd May 2010, gaiebrown wrote:#68, well yes, of course, that too
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Comment number 73.
At 2nd May 2010, mary-doll wrote:that went right over my head.
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Comment number 74.
At 2nd May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#73
Top of the class!
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Comment number 75.
At 2nd May 2010, henri hannah wrote:It wasn't that good.
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Comment number 76.
At 2nd May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:Yeah it was rubbish.
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Comment number 77.
At 2nd May 2010, mary-doll wrote:this is going to be a long week..................
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Comment number 78.
At 2nd May 2010, janfromrutherglen wrote:#77 you ain't kidding! GIO banned on Tues and Thu and the kids at school for 2 days only ! LOL
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Comment number 79.
At 2nd May 2010, mary-doll wrote:anyone remember Why Don't You? There must be an internet equivalent.
back to business. I'm a big (tall, even) Pulp fan. The nineties were spent mostly in a of establishing family. Gave up telly for 5 years for the sake of our 's betterment, yet the buggers still won't stoop to requesting a few tracks for me on Tuesday.
Have to make more effort myself for Wednesday. Don't know when it all went pear-shaped, but
And for those having to wait till Thursday to make their contribution, here's a bit of just for you.
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Comment number 80.
At 2nd May 2010, mary-doll wrote:#78 maybe those kids can wreak some havoc requesting their ringtone crazyfrogs and whatever (oooh - look who's got a bee in her bunnet!) and make sure this never happens again!
Actually, I don't have a problem with it. Anything that might wean me off my GIO habit should be a good thing. It really isn't healthy. But it's so GOOD!! I think they're playing with us. That's just evil. Mean, even.
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Comment number 81.
At 2nd May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:I predict fewer Frank Zappa requests this week.
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Comment number 82.
At 2nd May 2010, mary-doll wrote:#81 you think?
spotted on holiday
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Comment number 83.
At 2nd May 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#66
Too much like hard work.
Sixty is the new forty!
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Comment number 84.
At 2nd May 2010, mary-doll wrote:#83 So I have a rerun to look forward to? The whole age thing just mystifies me, to be honest. :~{ Like anything else that is outwith our control, I never felt it was something worth making a song and .
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Comment number 85.
At 2nd May 2010, mary-doll wrote:major disclaimer. that song's lyrics do not in any way reflect how I feel about anyone here on the blog. it's a general thinggumyjig.
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Comment number 86.
At 2nd May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#85
Better to leave 'em wondering.
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Comment number 87.
At 2nd May 2010, henri hannah wrote:I've just re -read the intro to this weeks blog.
Although the GIO team are a bit naive, the ruthless exploiting of this by the vox-pop texters who do tings like this:
'I'm texting on my Dad's phone because the dog ate mine.. I'd love to hear 'Have I Told You Lately That I Love You' by Van the Man.Jamie aged 8'
that has led to this experiment.
Only the blogotariat offers the kind of caring responsible requesting that will carry this show through some of the biggest cutbacks in programming in a generation. But are our broadcasters listening to the blogotariat?
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Comment number 88.
At 2nd May 2010, mary-doll wrote:#86 I'm not sure if that's working for you. But I also doubt you care if it does or not. More power to you - we are in danger of becoming too complacent.
Never before has the adage "absinthe makes the heart go flounder" made more sense.
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Comment number 89.
At 2nd May 2010, mary-doll wrote:# 87 Oh dear. so you don't think any of the bloggers have lowered themselves to that sort of behaviour? Really?? Lay off the F***bookers, texters and emailers. If anyone's desperate enough to get a track played (and I don't think bloggers can claim they are above it) they'd do the same. What's the big deal with other contributers anyway? It's not our show.
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Comment number 90.
At 2nd May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#88
Lt. Cmdr Data, USS Enterprise:
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Comment number 91.
At 2nd May 2010, mary-doll wrote:for tonight, anyway
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Comment number 92.
At 3rd May 2010, Glen Miller wrote:And now, some
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Comment number 93.
At 3rd May 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:Yeah, but it .
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Comment number 94.
At 3rd May 2010, joe-k-brown wrote:Like others I have reservations about this week's themes, largely because I can only provide one list. That said:
This old heart of mine - Isley Brothers
Substitute - the Who
Have a little faith in me - Jewel
I will dream - Emmylou Harris
Need you now - Lady Antebellum
The black roses - Codeine Velvet Club
I thought you should know - Steve Earle
Back to me - Kathleen Edwards
Shattered - Linda Ronstadt
Run - Snow Patrol
Girls talk - Dave Edmunds
Desire - Ryan Adams
Jersey girl or Jungleland - Springsteen
100 days, 100 nights - Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings
Reluctantly for Thursday
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Comment number 95.
At 3rd May 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Suggestion for tonights starting song as it has an easy follow up:
Paul McCartney - No Other Baby
this version features one of the all time great , Mick Green, and the rythm guitarist is quite good too...
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Comment number 96.
At 3rd May 2010, Glen Miller wrote:Paul's achievement in singing consistently one semitone flat during his Cavern concert should not go unrecognised.
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Comment number 97.
At 3rd May 2010, DC wrote:#89 M-D you are almost there.
Fairly soon you will realise that the whole point of the blog is to provide a forum where we music lovers can moan about things. If the blog is simply to be an avenue for requests, then it's too cumbersome. Texting or f***booking is far more direct.
Pretty soon you will stop moaning about people moaning and enter the enlightened phase. Stick with it
Complain about this comment (Comment number 97)
Comment number 98.
At 3rd May 2010, DC wrote:Where's the
Complain about this comment (Comment number 98)
Comment number 99.
At 3rd May 2010, DC wrote:bloggers gone today? Holidays?
Complain about this comment (Comment number 99)
Comment number 100.
At 3rd May 2010, DC wrote:Complain about this comment (Comment number 100)
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