Next week's themes...

Tonight we'll be featuring the songs to welcome back all those weary travellers who have been stuck away from home due to last week's flight disruptions. Will it be Welcome 91Èȱ¬, It's So Good To Be Back 91Èȱ¬ Again or maybe something like Trains and Boats and Planes would work....
Russell Hutcheson got in touch and would like to encourage some bad behaviour. Are you more likely to Tear Your Playhouse Down or Fight for Your Right To Party. I'll be handing out the musical ASBO's if you get in touch with the songs about being bad...
It's the Get It On spring clean tonight. Which of your partner's beloved albums would you most like to chuck out? Are you bored of Bowie and over Oasis? Is your husband's Pink Floyd's collection collecting dust or do your kids make you want to banish N-Dubz to the dustbin. If so, get in touch and we'll play them for one final time before you throw them out without feeling guilty!
A brilliant theme from new listener Janet Foggie. It's 'songs about other people's partners'! I'm thinking Girl of My Best Friend is a shoo in for tonight. Whether it's Don't Marry Her or I Want The One I Can't Have, I've got a feeling tonight's show will prompt some true confessions....
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Comment number 1.
At 23rd Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:I did a number one.
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Comment number 2.
At 23rd Apr 2010, norriemaclean wrote:For Monday two of my favourite songs by two of my all time favourite artists:
Mary Chapin Carpenter - Almost 91Èȱ¬
Bruce Springsteen - Long Walk 91Èȱ¬
another track which would be great to hear on the Radio:
Southside Johnny - All The Way 91Èȱ¬
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Comment number 3.
At 23rd Apr 2010, Scottish Lass wrote:Monday
Barenaked Ladies tracks -
Go 91Èȱ¬
Long Way Back 91Èȱ¬
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Comment number 4.
At 23rd Apr 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Jimmy Cliff - Many Rivers To Cross
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Comment number 5.
At 23rd Apr 2010, erlando-r wrote:Hame fae work and checkin out the show on i-player whilst catchin up wi the blogg. Was thinkin you'd be fair tickled Henri not just wi Chariots astonishingly eventually Gettin On but also with the brushfirelike way your Dairy idea caught the imagination of bloggers. The sense of personal achievement after such a diligently sustained campaign eventually bearing success must've been tarnished by negative comments from fellow bloggers. Pity they didn't heed the sage words of Senga earlier in the thread, even if she is a little skelly.
Weel done fae me onyway :)
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Comment number 6.
At 23rd Apr 2010, henri hannah wrote:#5
Thanks Erlando, appreciate it. I could have done without the disdain,particularly as I wanted the track played for my mum, but I'm thrilled.
It's important, I think, to challenge the team's inclination towards what's safe - otherwise we allow our musical heritage,drip by drip, to become defined by The Proclaimers (and I like The Proclaimers)when there is so much else deserving to be heard.It's about challenging the team to explore the unknown - it's all requested - in preference to the mediocrity of constant exposure to the same tight range of their personal preferences.
The best shows contain something surprising, like 'Fish Heads'.
Some people will check out the Transglobal Underground links and reviews from the GIO Gplaylist. 'Chariots' is the most accessible of tracks and fairly unrepresentative. I love the great 'mixed -up-ness' of the music, the fantastic musicianship and Natasha Atlas's stunning voice.Some of their music is just breathtaking.
'Dairy Produce' as a theme was inspired by the 12 - 15 ignored requests for White Room... as it accidentally turns out, I think it's a good theme, and I hope they do it.
But thanks for that,
regardez vous
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Comment number 7.
At 23rd Apr 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Henri - I also enjoyed hearing your track!
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Comment number 8.
At 24th Apr 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Something odd about that picture of Bryan and Babs....but I can't put my finger on it.....
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Comment number 9.
At 24th Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:It was taken last year before Bryan got his hair cut. It could throw anyone.
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Comment number 10.
At 24th Apr 2010, joe-k-brown wrote:A few initial thought
I want you back - Jackson 5
Come to my window - Melissa Etheridge
Get here - Oleta Adams
The flyer - Nanci Griffith
Tie one one - Aberfeldy
Bad things - Jace Everett
This life - Curtis Stigers
Here I am or Taneytown - Steve Earle
In another's eyes - Yearwood/Brooks
Wired for sound - Cliff
Thursday (really great theme)
Jesse's Girl - Rick Springfield
If there's any justice - Lemar
I wish I were blind - Springsten
I want you back - Jackson 5
Always - Bon Jovi
More to follow
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Comment number 11.
At 24th Apr 2010, Adam_from_Rio wrote:Monday
Hello, Hello, I`m Back - Gary Glitter
Thinking about it
These are awkward themes when you ask us to ask for things we dont like.
I fully expect a long list and a welcome return for Olga fae Callander for this theme.
Re the Dairy theme - You`ll never get on purely with puns.
In fact I cant think of any pun getting played (apart from my Young Paris Hens during the 12 Days of Christmas theme a few years back).
I was surprised the Bloggers were reduced to puns so quickly. No originals at all for Henri?
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Comment number 12.
At 24th Apr 2010, joe-k-brown wrote:One more for Thursday: Martha by Tom Waits.
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Comment number 13.
At 24th Apr 2010, Adam_from_Rio wrote:Thursday
Klaxon warning for Robert Cray. Not quite Meri level but creeping up.
He`ll Have to Go - Jim Reeves
Given the amount of airplay the Ring of Fire bloke gets, you have to wonder why Reevesy keeps getting ignored.
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Comment number 14.
At 24th Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#12
I came up with a list of dairy-related tunes pretty easily, so it's not an impossible theme by any means. However, I wonder if there are enough GOOD shouts for it to be a good enough show for the team to want to do it.
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Comment number 15.
At 24th Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#14 refers to #11.
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Comment number 16.
At 24th Apr 2010, DC wrote:#11
Milk calf blues - Clapton
You'd have to be a Wiseman to come up with better than that.
Great shout for Monday theme Bryan. Where did you get that idea?
And Mrs C will not be compiling a list of Floyd albums to get rid of for Wednesday. In fact, she has absolutely no idea of the value of the 280 vertically stored triple packed pristine condition vinyl 12" albums hidden in the garret.
Come to that, nor do I.......
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Comment number 17.
At 24th Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:My garret's jam-blinkin-packed with stuff including a shedload of albums and singles. I must take a dander up there and see what's what sometime.
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Comment number 18.
At 24th Apr 2010, Scotch Get wrote:For the Dairy Theme
- Jethro Tull
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Comment number 19.
At 24th Apr 2010, janfromrutherglen wrote:Monday
Flying 91Èȱ¬ - Chris De Burgh
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Comment number 20.
At 24th Apr 2010, janfromrutherglen wrote:+ Jetstream - New Order
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Comment number 21.
At 24th Apr 2010, Scotch Get wrote:MONDAY
'Comin' 91Èȱ¬' - Lynyrd Skynyrd ~ might be a tad long, over 5 mins.
'Fire at Midnight' - Jethro Tull ~ 2:26 so you can shoehorn it in!
Few songs conjure up such a powerful image of the home as a sanctuary.
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Comment number 22.
At 24th Apr 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Early request for Thursday so the GIO team can check it out:
Maria McKee - I'm Going To Soothe You
a cracker and bang on theme!
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Comment number 23.
At 24th Apr 2010, Mike Connon wrote:I would happily bin all the queen crap that my wife has, but please don't play any of it on Wednesday. However, knowing that you will make it 39 (definitely not the execrable Bohemian Rhapsody), probably the only queen track that's worth listening to.
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Comment number 24.
At 24th Apr 2010, Mike Connon wrote:Oh, and lose the shades BB, they don't suit you.
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Comment number 25.
At 24th Apr 2010, gaiebrown wrote:first, well done, Henri, and hope your mum enjoyed it.
Recent rewards for persistence give me fresh hope for my own campaign so I'll batter on, but I have a terrible dread and that is that the team will play Caledonia on Monday and think job done.
There is nothing wrong with it as a song, it has been requested and mentioned several times but please PLEASE PLEASE, there's so much more of Frankie Miller that is great and deserves to be heard. For TUESDAY
I can think of no better song than
- Frankie Miller
watch this and see for yourselves, it's just brilliant.
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Comment number 26.
At 24th Apr 2010, gaiebrown wrote:I won't be the only person asking for Runrig on Monday, but I can't think of better descriptions of what 'home' means to an islander than either: The Cutter, which tells the true story of Johnny who emigrated to Canada, but still came home every year to cut the peats on the family croft; or Going 91Èȱ¬, which simply send shivers down my spine and makes me ache for - strangely, no longer Bute, home of my birth but where no family connections remain, but the Isle of Rum, where we go every year and which is the most special place in the world for me and my two youngsters. There is simply no feeling like that of setting foot on your 'home' island when somehow your world just slips into place
The Cutter - Runrig
Going 91Èȱ¬ - Runrig
or in total contrast
Baby Come 91Èȱ¬ - John Martyn on the Frankie Miller Tribute Album
sentimental it ain't!
Going 91Èȱ¬ - Alvin Lee and Friends
assuming the full 9.52 Woodstock version possibly wouldn't be considered...
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Comment number 27.
At 24th Apr 2010, paolopablo wrote:The problem with refreshing a thread on a mobile phone is that you don't realise when a new one's gone up, so my thanks for my request last night and my comments are on the end of the last thread.
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Comment number 28.
At 24th Apr 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#24
Thon's no' Bryan. It's Anton Chigurh.
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Comment number 29.
At 24th Apr 2010, erlando-r wrote:#25 Checkin out your FM link Gaie I noticed there was a version by him of "he'll have to go". You could request it as an alternative to Adams Jim Reeves request for Thursday #13
Adam, I put up a couple of serious dairy tunes but saw the potential for a "pun game" we seem to enjoy so much on the blog, think it must be something to do with gettin older and havin a bit time on our hands. It kinda grew legs though and morphed into a farm animals/cuts of meat theme here and there eh, never mind, it's just a bit of fun.
Planned weekend with Rab and Jaq is not now occuring as Jaq only made it home in the wee hours of this morning. So for her I'll request the song sung down the phone to her today by the lovely Mrs-r ...
Take the Long Way 91Èȱ¬ - Supertramp
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Comment number 30.
At 24th Apr 2010, DC wrote:Good choice erlando
My selection for Monday:
This flight tonight
I prefer the Nazareth version
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Comment number 31.
At 24th Apr 2010, gaiebrown wrote:#29 - excellent suggestion, erlando - I'd go for Frankie's Full House next week, but Wednesday throws it.
He'll Have to Go - Frankie Miller
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Comment number 32.
At 24th Apr 2010, DC wrote:Another thought for Monday:
Never going back again - Fleetwood Mac
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Comment number 33.
At 24th Apr 2010, Mike Connon wrote:Monday;
The Letter - Box Tops
Coming 91Èȱ¬ - Delaney and Bonney
91Èȱ¬ Loving Man - Andy Williams (yes I know and I do feel ashamed, but I really like this song)
91Èȱ¬ward Bound - Simon and Garfunkel
Gasoline Alley - Rod Stewart (Back when he was great)
Long Way 91Èȱ¬ - Tom Waits
Long Walk 91Èȱ¬ - Bruce Springsteen
Private Number - Willam Bell and Judy Clay
Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel
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Comment number 34.
At 25th Apr 2010, henri hannah wrote:#25
Yep, we were all chuffed, thanks - and to Scotch for his comments on the previous thread.Glad you enjoyed it, Norrie.Checking the 91Èȱ¬ playlist for TGU recent plays shows various Radio 6 DJ's, the Asian network. and, of course, GIO. I know these stations are threatened with closure, but they are known for being cool, hip and trendy - so GIO is in good company.
I've still got a few campaigns on the list - Jack Bruce, lesser known tracks from the Beatles, Camera Obscura and Giae's long running Frankie Miller campaign - and quite a few others.
Maybe Bryan & Babs could adopt a weekly 'Flying Pig' slot in which something which goes against the grain gets played - it's all requested, and I think there is a sense of pride on the team's part over the diversity of the show - the last two blog introductions suggest that.
Anyway, Monday, and tracks about 91Èȱ¬... good shout for 'Take The Long Way 91Èȱ¬' erlando, 2nd'd.
regardez youse
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Comment number 35.
At 25th Apr 2010, paolopablo wrote:Monday
Carry me 91Èȱ¬ / Gloworm
91Èȱ¬ Again / Carole King
The Road to 91Èȱ¬ / Amy McDonald
Breakdown (a long way from home) / Kris Kristofferson
and seconds for Oleta Adams and Runrig
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Comment number 36.
At 25th Apr 2010, paolopablo wrote:oops silly me forgot my first choice for monday
Bring the Family Back / Billy Paul
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Comment number 37.
At 25th Apr 2010, paolopablo wrote:Tuesday
Bad Girls / Donna Summer
Lucretia MacEvil / Blood Sweat and Tears
Bad Bad Boy / Nazerath
Bad Influence / Robert Cray Band
Groovin / Young Rascals
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Comment number 38.
At 25th Apr 2010, paolopablo wrote:Miss B #
Is thursdays theme a wanting rather than a having theme which would rule out all the affair songs?
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Comment number 39.
At 25th Apr 2010, DC wrote:#38 noticed that you have addressed our presenter's other half here Paolo. Confession time methinks........
We need to be telt (TM)
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Comment number 40.
At 25th Apr 2010, DC wrote:My real request for Monday:
I'll find my way home - Jon & Vangelis
Can't think of any other theme I'd suggest this for so I think this over-rules my previous suggestions.
But you can play them as well.............
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Comment number 41.
At 25th Apr 2010, mary-doll wrote:Did I miss anything? ;o)
Here's my solitary shout out for Monday - got some catching up to do.
Keep The Customer Satisfied Simon and Garfunkel
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Comment number 42.
At 25th Apr 2010, norriemaclean wrote:For Wed my pal Andy only seems to have CD's by two artists. INXS and Hue & Cry. It's not so much that I dislike those acts, although I do - intensly, it's more if they got chucked out he would have space for something else in his 6 CD wide shelf.
Go for the one INXS song that has sneaked into my collection via the Pretty In Pink Soundtrack
In fairness he has River City Detectives CD and can keep that.
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Comment number 43.
At 25th Apr 2010, Scotch Get wrote:MONDAY
Probably the best song of the night. Written by Randy Newman, from the soundtrack of the 1996 movie 'Michael' directed by Nora Ephron and starring John Travolta as the eponymous Archangel.
'Feels Like 91Èȱ¬' - Bonnie Raitt
One minor criticism. The arrangement could be doing with some bagpipes.
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Comment number 44.
At 25th Apr 2010, Scotch Get wrote:TUESDAY
Not so much bad behaviour as a wee bit naughty.......
'She Bop' - Cyndi Lauper
'Seduced' - Mary Coughlan
'Isobel Makes Love Upon National Monuments' - Jake Thackray
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Comment number 45.
At 25th Apr 2010, paulhandley wrote:MONDAY - TRAVELLING HOME
"I'm tired of travelling, I want to be somewhere",
THE BIG COUNTRY - Talking Heads
and if that's too long...
"home, home again, I like to be there when I can"
... should be easy to tuck into a small corner of the program!
Paul from Ayr
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Comment number 46.
At 25th Apr 2010, Scotch Get wrote:WEDNESDAY
Probably the best song of the night. The heartbreakingly sad and side-splittingly funny tale of the divorcing couple who must split their joint record collection.
'Beefhearts and Bones' - Michael Marra
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Comment number 47.
At 25th Apr 2010, Scotch Get wrote:#41
Oor wee Viking is back! Any songs aboot raping and pillaging for Tuesday?
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Comment number 48.
At 25th Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:There are a few right stoaters for Monday that nobody seems to have thought of as yet...
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Comment number 49.
At 25th Apr 2010, gaiebrown wrote:Quite right, JfE:
Good to See You - Frankie Miller
actually it's not a stoater, it's a wee bit hackneyed, but the important thing is it's not Caledonia. And that Mr Springsteen's made a career out of hackneyed tunes
wisnae me
I never said that
I'm out of here..........
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Comment number 50.
At 25th Apr 2010, gaiebrown wrote:MONDAY
So Good to be Back 91Èȱ¬ Again - the Tourists
Welcome 91Èȱ¬ - Idlewild
The Journey's End - the Strawbs
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Comment number 51.
At 25th Apr 2010, mary-doll wrote:Hi SG! Gee but it's great to be back home. 91Èȱ¬ is where I want to beeeee-he.I've been on the road so long, my friend - and if you came along I know you couldn't disagree.
yup, it's not going to get a play - hardly from the welcomer back's perspective. Nevermind - it's still good to be back.
anyway - aye. well. Songs for Tuesday - my head's still mince from all the travels and travails of the past week and a bit, I can't come up with anything yet along your suggested Viking bad behaviour line. Or for the rest of the week, for that matter. Just enjoying everyone elses' suggestions for the moment.
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Comment number 52.
At 25th Apr 2010, henri hannah wrote:Monday and avoiding the most obvious, here's a few to be going on with...
Subterranean 91Èȱ¬sick Blues - Bob Dylan
Leave 91Èȱ¬ - The Chemical Bros
love this.. (understandably vague) memories of their first gig at the Barrowland, almost on a par with the Leftfield gig
I'm Coming 91Èȱ¬ Again - Dusty Springfield
beuatiful track, a bit underplayed, I think, would be good to hear
Directions 91Èȱ¬ - Jack Bruce
utterly brilliant - a tribute to Tony Williams - I'm sure you've got it
Sailing 91Èȱ¬ward - Donovan
Hey! It's another much ignored Scottish songwriter. This is really lovely - very deserving of airplay. His surname is Leitch, not Reid,though.. so that's that then.
Night Ride 91Èȱ¬ - Joni Mitchell
For someone who has a reputation as 'serious', no-one conveys 'happy' quite like Joni... this track deserves airplay and recognition as amonst her finest.
Bring It on 91Èȱ¬ - Led Zepplin
this begins with blues harmonica and muffled vocals, so we won't be hearing it.great guitar break half way through
Won't Go 91Èȱ¬ Withou You - Maroon 5
Go 91Èȱ¬ Girl - Ry Cooder
91Èȱ¬ At Last - Steely Dan
And, not wishing to contradict Norrie's selection above but this is a rare opportunity to hear the totally tremendous:
I Don't Want To Go 91Èȱ¬ - Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes
regardez youse
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Comment number 53.
At 25th Apr 2010, henri hannah wrote:Oh and I almost forgot
Comin' 91Èȱ¬ - Delaney & Bonnie
It's a kinds bluesy thing too.. so we won't be hearing this either
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Comment number 54.
At 25th Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#50
Yeah - much better!
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Comment number 55.
At 25th Apr 2010, henri hannah wrote:Peters & Lee - a small anecdote
When Ballroom Dancing's popularity waned, mostly through changing fashions (though I guess 'Bible John' didn't help) the folks at the Barrowland Ballroom were a bit stuck as to know what to do with the Ballroom and for a long time, it lay dormant.
Eventually, it was concluded that it might make a concert venue.
With no great experience in the matter of concert promotion the folks somehow found themselves booking their first ever act to appear in concert at the Ballroom.
It was Peters & Lee.
By this time,Peters & Lee had well and truly had their 15 minutes.
By the night of the concert something around 50 tickets had been sold. It was a commercial disaster, but worse was to follow.
Troopers to the end, Peters & Lee concluded 'the show must go on! and appeared before the small but obviously serious fan base.
Half way through a little dance routine in the very first number, the blind bloke confidently sauntered right off the end of the stage - which was then quite high - and was sufficiently injured that the show could indeed not go on. It was an ignominious end to lousy beginning.
After that, a real promoter was brought in. The rest is history.
regardez youse
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Comment number 56.
At 25th Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:No - regardez YOUSE.
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Comment number 57.
At 25th Apr 2010, mary-doll wrote:Had some thinking time. Reneging on my initial comment. Another shout out for Monday. This may have made two of the shows last week, but I don't see it in either of the respective playlists, so...
Eurythmics It's Alright (Baby's Coming Back)
Yes, Eurythmics get a lot of airplay on this show, including last week - but who can deny that Annie deserves her place in the international music hall (bigger than the Barrowlands) of fame? She's one of Scotland's premier quality "products" - no' bad fur an Aberdeen quine. And that Stewart bloke isn't bad either. Even if he's not a real Scot. In spite of the surname.
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Comment number 58.
At 25th Apr 2010, gaiebrown wrote:#33 I like 91Èȱ¬ Loving Man too - it makes me quite nostalgic for nothing in particular
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Comment number 59.
At 25th Apr 2010, henri hannah wrote:#33
Sorry Hoppo, I didn't notice you'd already asked for Delaney & Bonnie - so I'll 2nd it (we won't be hearing it though). I also like 91Èȱ¬ Lovin' Man, no need to feel ashamed. A good song is a good song and a great singer is a great singer.Reminds me of home, funnily enough, my dad with his Easy Listening music, Rogers & Hammerstein and such like and my mum with all that Bhangra stuff banging in the kitchen.
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Comment number 60.
At 25th Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#57
The Stewarts weren't Scottish either. French imports. They were the 'stewards' to French Kings.
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Comment number 61.
At 25th Apr 2010, norriemaclean wrote:I Dont Want To Go 91Èȱ¬ - Southside Johnny
is just a supreb suggestion.
Henri..I salute your Southsideness
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Comment number 62.
At 25th Apr 2010, mary-doll wrote:#60 I don't know how far back we have to go to find any unadulterated, bona fide Scots names that still exist without some foreign influence or other, I'll bet ... but, nah - I don't feel brave enough to get into that! ;o)
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Comment number 63.
At 25th Apr 2010, DC wrote:#60 goin by your definition Jim, there's no such thing as a Scot caws we're aw imports....
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Comment number 64.
At 25th Apr 2010, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:MONDAY:
'Chinese' - Lily Allen (about the ordinary things she'll do when she gets home...have beans on toast, walk the dog, have a chinese and watch TV).
'Coming 91Èȱ¬' - John Legend
'91Èȱ¬ Again' - Edwyn Collins
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Comment number 65.
At 25th Apr 2010, erlando-r wrote:Mary Doll! Was wonderin where you were. You never missed much except a couple of weeks ago Henri and Jim were fightin, teeth and feathers everywhere ;)
Oh and Gilmour got played.
I knew there was a Simon & Garfunkel song that'd fit for Monday but couldnae quite bring it to mind, then I thought Hoppo had it at #33 but then you came in wi #41 and now i'm no so sure :S
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Comment number 66.
At 25th Apr 2010, erlando-r wrote:Twa mair for
Take the Long Way Round - Teenage Fanclub
Come Back Margaret - Camera Obscura
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Comment number 67.
At 25th Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#63
Well the Stewarts were LATE imports! However yes indeed that is basically correct, which is really my point - JK Rowling is considered as Scottish by many these days as she has adopted Scotland as her home and has loads of Scottish family members, so perhaps we should bother too much about 'how Scottish' people are. Maybe after all it's really a state of mind......... ;-)
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Comment number 68.
At 25th Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:Monday - Travelling/Welcome Back Songs:
Luton Airport - Cats U.K.
Airport - The Motors
Failte Cha Cha - Miss Amy
Magnificent 7 (Return) - The Clash
The Boys Are Back In Town - Thin Lizzy
Welcome Back 91Èȱ¬ - The Byrds
Rio - Mike Nesmith (or is it Michael now?)
Where Is Everybody? - Nine Inch Nails
Only Waiting - The Travelling Band ("We're only waiting for someone else to blame")
Why Don't They Come Back To Dunoon - The Humblebums
Return To Innocence - Enigma (Henri will like it)
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Comment number 69.
At 26th Apr 2010, norriemaclean wrote:Jim that was worth the wait..Luton Airport. I'm kicking myself.....
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Comment number 70.
At 26th Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:Hehehe ;-)
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Comment number 71.
At 26th Apr 2010, gaiebrown wrote:Theme thought - have we done session musicians?
Norrie mentioning Mike Campbell and watching some of the many excellent Frankie Miller with assorted musicians Youtube clips at the weekend made me wonder if we had/it was worth considering.
Speaking of Frankie as I don't often do, I'm sure there are important 91Èȱ¬ guidelines about use of subliminal advertising esp of alcohol and therefore Caledonia will not be suitable to tick the FM box. Whereas Angels With Dirty Faces on Tuesday would be absolutely OK.
sorted :-))
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Comment number 72.
At 26th Apr 2010, Kene Gelly wrote:For Monday ...
'Endless Vacation' ... The Ramones
'Green Green Grass of 91Èȱ¬' ... Kelly Hogan & The Valley Cosmonauts
'Come on 91Èȱ¬' ... Franz Ferdinand
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Comment number 73.
At 26th Apr 2010, sid_ts63 wrote:morning all , had a wee look thru all of above and would like to suggest "country roads" originally sung by John Denver I prefer the version that came out in the 80's or 90's
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Comment number 74.
At 26th Apr 2010, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:Having seen Jim's list, and as he seems to be particularly au fait with the supposed guidelines, I'm wondering if Monday's theme stretches to songs about being away from home as well as those welcoming people home.
If that is the case then I'll make an impassioned plea (again) for:
'Tonight I Feel So Far Away From 91Èȱ¬' - Steve Forbert. A song I love, have heard sung live, and one I think many of the listeners would appreciate.
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Comment number 75.
At 26th Apr 2010, Senga wrote:For Monday - Welcome 91Èȱ¬ - Peters & Lee
Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree - Tony Orlando & Dawn
Tying ribbons round trees has become a custom in America. I think it started with the American embassy hostages after the revolution in Iran. Now it's a routine practice to welcome home troops from war.
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Comment number 76.
At 26th Apr 2010, Senga wrote:#5 - Skelly? You and DC must have the same scriptwriter.
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Comment number 77.
At 26th Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#74
Well you have to be away somewhere in order to get back! Loads of people were in that position just recently, I think ;-)
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Comment number 78.
At 26th Apr 2010, DC wrote:#76 I would have described you mair as "skeich" actually S_S S
A skelly is something upon which one stands in order to throw creels intae the sea when fishing for lobsters.
Which reminds me: the "coo-cawk" is almost upon us so it'll soon be time for lobster salad......
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Comment number 79.
At 26th Apr 2010, Rich wrote:MONDAY
"Better Be 91Èȱ¬ Soon" -- Crowded House
"The Long Way Around" -- Dixie Chicks
"Six Months in a Leaky Boat" -- Split Enz
"I Never Did Like Planes" -- Robbie Fulks
Rich in North Carolina
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Comment number 80.
At 26th Apr 2010, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:Monday:
'You'll Never Get Me Up In One Of Those' - Mickey Jupp (plane travel is one of the 2 things he vowed he'd never do, along with join a trade union). Dave Edmunds has covered the song too.
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Comment number 81.
At 26th Apr 2010, henri hannah wrote:#71
'session musicians' would be good - it would be, I guess,a good theme for the blogotariat.
I spent Sunday tea time listening to Frankie Miller... Smiffy & the morons really enjoyed it.As we chomped away at our scallops ( it's the diet) and listening, I could tell Frankie Miller would be well recieved by the masses.
I'd forgotten the extent to which Frankie's voice is similar to Otis Redding's.
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Comment number 82.
At 26th Apr 2010, DC wrote:I downloaded The Very Best of Frankie Miller on Saturday night on account of Gaie's recommendation.
No' bad
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Comment number 83.
At 26th Apr 2010, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#67
Maybe we could learn from our cousins doon sooth, Jim.
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Comment number 84.
At 26th Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#83
Great. Now I have a nosebleed.
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Comment number 85.
At 26th Apr 2010, DC wrote:#83 he's been away too long
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Comment number 86.
At 26th Apr 2010, CaptRamius wrote:Monday 91Èȱ¬comings:
I'm with GaieBrown on the Runrig - as well as his suggestions, I'll add
* I'll Keep Coming 91Èȱ¬
Other suggestions:
* Stereophonics - Long Way Round
Sooner or later, I'll get me off this track.
Gotta do what it is that I do and then I'm - coming back.
Got sun in my face, sleeping rough on the road.
I'll tell you all about it, when I get home.
* U2 - A Sort of 91Èȱ¬coming
The live version please - way way better than the album original
* Pink Floyd - Time
91Èȱ¬, 91Èȱ¬ again
I like to be here when I can
When I come home cold and tired
It's good to warm my bones beside the fire
and you've got to have some Sawdoctors in there too - either
* N17
* Goin' Back to Tuam
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Comment number 87.
At 26th Apr 2010, gaiebrown wrote:#81 and #82 I am VERY impressed with you both though not entirely sure what to make of the 'appeal to the masses' comment.
Probably me having black pudding for tea while Henri's having scallops is a hint.
It'll be the difference between Bridgeton and Bearsden I expect. Or Branchton and Bearsden.
No matter, I'm happy you're listening :-)
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Comment number 88.
At 26th Apr 2010, CaptRamius wrote:#86
If you're going to get picky btw, that's the coda of Time that's also known as Breathe (Reprise).
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Comment number 89.
At 26th Apr 2010, Jim Frae Erskine wrote:#87
Scallops and black pudding together is very nice BTW.
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Comment number 90.
At 26th Apr 2010, CaptRamius wrote:Just thought of one for the people with the extravagant stories of how they got home (Yes, we took a sedan chair to Milan, then by ocelot over the Alps, floated a Citroen DS down the Rhine (etc):
* Jackie Leven - I've Been Everywhere
German towns version of the Johnny Cash classic, with a whole verse of Baden Baden Baden Baden Baden Baden Baden Baden...
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Comment number 91.
At 26th Apr 2010, gaiebrown wrote:#86 his?!?
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Comment number 92.
At 26th Apr 2010, DC wrote:I would have suggested Roger Waters - Leaving Beirut but it wouldnae stand a chance on this show. You want a song about difficulty getting home? That's the one to listen to
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Comment number 93.
At 26th Apr 2010, henri hannah wrote:#87
These days, I'm a resident of Milngavie,dahling...
I just meant that it's genuinely surprising that Frankie Miller isn't/wasn't more popular....listening to the songs and the arangements he should have had mass appeal .....I mean, what prevented 'A Fool In Love' being a huge hit. I bought it as a single (75 I think) and never did understand why it wasn't.
I also find it ironic that artists who are Scottish but happen to have attracted an international audience (Jack Bruce,AWB,Donovan are others)aren't really thought important or worthwhile locally - presumably because they are/were not parochial enough...
Eh.. trout tonight (it's the diet)... another 2lbs off this morning...time to get on the bike soon.
regardez youse
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Comment number 94.
At 26th Apr 2010, gaiebrown wrote:reminder to self - specify version!! this is like Skyline Pigeon - forgot about the original version of Going 91Èȱ¬ which is kind of twee compared to what it became. Not that I'm not grateful for it being played, of course I am; it's just a bit like when you tell someone about a funny programme then all sit down to watch it and it's a particularly unfunny episode.
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Comment number 95.
At 26th Apr 2010, gaiebrown wrote:'93 oops, sorry. Geography never my strong point. But yes, it's so strange about those Scottish acts. The Silencers are another - huge in France, with some absolutely outstanding songs such as Cellar of Dreams. Jack Bruce was on Jools Holland the other night, but there seemed to be about a hundred other folk on as well and the 'interview' about his autobiog was pretty ineffectual. Clip of Cream was OK.
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Comment number 96.
At 26th Apr 2010, Scotch Get wrote:TUESDAY
'Chug-a-Lug' - Roger Miller ~ Underage drinking.
'Easy Money' - Rickie Lee Jones ~ Attempted robbery.
'There Goes a Tenner' - Kate Bush ~ More sophisticated attempted robbery.
'I Drink Alone' - George Thorogood & The Destroyers ~ The title says it all.
'Gee, Officer Krupke' - Yellowdog ~ Juvenile delinquency.
'Razzle in my Pocket' - Ian Dury ~ Shoplifting top-shelf magazines.
'Uneasy Rider '88' - Charlie Daniels Band ~ Two rednecks wander into a gay bar.
Re: C.D.B. The best of the bunch and the one least likely to be played.
It's political correctness gone mad!
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Comment number 97.
At 26th Apr 2010, mary-doll wrote:#65 hi Erlando! I was "away" during a family visit (my dad doesn't take too kindly to me blogging when he's flown all the way from Vikingshire to see me and the family) Spent the next week on a planned holiday. The remaining week, was caught up in an unplanned volcanic ashgate. Which was still very pleasant - we got off a lot lighter than some. Rebooked our flights for a week later, rebooked another hotel 200 metres from the one we'd just vacated (a late room booking site came through for us with a 4 star hotel at 45 Euros a night) and did our best to sit back and wait. Soaking up the sun.
Saddo that I am, I have since read back and saw the jfe vs HH spat - I've stated previously on which side of the fence I sit and am still firmly there. But I was glad to see HH finally got the Chariots track played - it was excellent. As for Gilmour, another thumbs up.
liked your Camera Obscura suggestion - thought Let's Get Out Of This Country would have been a good one, too!! ;o)
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Comment number 98.
At 26th Apr 2010, mary-doll wrote:#67 Aye, we're a' Jock Tamson's bairns!
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Comment number 99.
At 26th Apr 2010, Scotch Get wrote:Enough, already.......
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Comment number 100.
At 26th Apr 2010, Scotch Get wrote:Complain about this comment (Comment number 100)
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