
Watch: Fact and opinions

Learn about facts, opinions and bias.

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What are facts?

An illustration of a young boy smiling.

Facts are definitely true.

They can be backed up with evidence.

For example:

The Prime Minister is giving a speech.

An illustration of a young boy smiling.
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What are opinions?

An illustration of a young girl thinking.

Your opinion is how you feel.

Other people might think differently, they have a different opinion.

For example:

Having a teenager as Prime Minister is a terrible idea.

An illustration of a young girl thinking.
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Watch: Super Movers facts and opinions

Watch this fun Super Movers video to learn more about facts and opinions.

Listen carefully because you鈥檒l be answering some questions afterwards.

If you like, you can sing and dance along with Martin Dougan.

Sing a song about fact and opinion with Martin Dougan.

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Activity 1

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Activity 2

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Activity 3

An illustration of a young girl smiling with question marks around her.

Decide which of the following statements are facts and which are opinions.

1. Pandas are cuter than meerkats.

2. The Houses of Parliament are in London.

3. Apples grow on trees.

4. My cat is the best cat in the world!

5. Ice cream is horrible.

6. Water will become ice if the temperature is cold enough.

An illustration of a young girl smiling with question marks around her.

If you read the sentence and think that someone might not agree with it then it鈥檚 an opinion. Facts are always right.

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Activity 4

An illustration of a young boy smiling with question marks around him.

Below is a selection of different topics. You need to write one fact and one opinion for each topic.

Write your facts and opinions on paper in full sentences.

1. A singer or band of your choice

2. A fruit of your choice

3. Animals

4. School

5. Space

For example:

Fact: Tigers have stripes to help them hide better in their natural environment.

Opinion: Elephants are the funniest animals because of their big ears and trunks.

An illustration of a young boy smiling with question marks around him.
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Play our fun English game Crystal Explorers. game

Use grammar, punctuation and spelling skills to explore jungles, caves and tombs on your mission!

Play our fun English game Crystal Explorers
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More on Comprehension

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