
Haide s膬 卯nv膬葲膬m c芒teva cuvinte 葯i expresii care s膬 ne ajute s膬 vorbim despre casele noastre.

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脦n acest filmule葲, Nazia 葯i Filip o ajut膬 pe Jess s膬-葯i fac膬 ordine 卯n cas膬 卯nainte ca mama ei s膬 se 卯ntoarc膬!

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Cuvinte cheie

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 5, A house viewed from the street, a home

Cuvinte despre baie

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, A bathroom scene: mirror, tap, soap, towel and sink labelled 1 to 5,

Cuvinte despre camer膬 de zi

Cuvinte despre dormitor

Bedroom scene: wardrobe, pillow, curtain, window, table, bed, labelled 18 to 23

Cuvinte despre buc膬t膬rie

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 2, Kitchen scene: kettle, toaster, microwave, fridge, switch, counter, cupboard and floor, labelled 24 to 31,
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Activitate de sortare

Joc de memorie

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 4, Filip tries to remember a number of household objects. The text 'Memory game' appears next to him, 笔谤别驳膬迟别葯迟别-迟别! Treci la slide-ul urm膬tor dup膬 ce e葯ti gata s膬 卯ncepi s膬 memorezi imaginea.
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Alc膬tuie葯te o propozi葲ie

脦ntreab膬 este ceva

Jess points at a cushion and asks what it is
  • Pentru a 卯ntreba ce este ceva, po葲i spune:

Jess points at a cushion and asks what it is
Jess points at a TV and asks if it is a TV
Image caption,
Is this a TV?
  • Pentru a verifica ce este ceva, po葲i spune:


Jess points at a TV and asks if it is a TV
Image caption,
Is this a TV?

Pentru a r膬spunde, po葲i spune:

A green tick
A red cross






Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 4, Jess points at a TV and asks if it is called a TV, Is this a TV?

Acum 卯ncearc膬 aceste 卯ntreb膬ri 葯i r膬spunsuri.

Ce se 卯ntreab膬 葯i care este r膬spunsul?

Is it a pan? No it's a spoon

Is it a toilet? Yes it's a toilet

Is it a chair? No it's a sofa

脦ntreab膬 unde se afl膬 ceva

Filip asks where something is.
  • Pentru a 卯ntreba unde se afl膬 ceva sau cineva, po葲i spune:


Filip asks where something is.

脦ntreab膬 unde sunt aceste lucruri:

Where is the bin?

Where is the towel?

( Pentru a 卯nv膬葲a cum s膬 spui unde sunt obiecte, vezi ghidul nostru: Where things are: prepositions of place )

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Joac膬 un joc de memorie!

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 8, A hand draws home items on paper, 1. Cere unui prieten s膬 deseneze pe h芒rtie 10 obiecte de cas膬.
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