Part of Language and LiteracyGrammarYear 4Year 5Year 6
Adverbials are words or phrases that give more information to the sentence.
I discovered fronted adverbials earlier today.
In the sentence above 'earlier today' is the adverbial.
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A fronted adverbial is when the adverbial word or phrase is moved to the front of the sentence, before the verb.
Earlier today, I discovered fronted adverbials.
So here, 'earlier today' is a fronted adverbial.
Here are some more examples.
Calmly, the family sat together and watched a movie.
Like a cheetah, Bill sprinted to the finish.
As the clock struck ten, Zaynab served breakfast.
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Verbs and the different tenses
Matching the verbs to the subject
Simple, compound and complex sentences
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