What was life like in a Viking village?
Vikings were very handy around the house, making their own thread, bread, and games too.
Why did Vikings raid?
Find out why raiding was an important part of Viking life.
Why were Vikings such fierce warriors?
The Vikings were ferocious fighters who used weapons and tactics to their advantage.
How did Vikings make rules and decisions?
When the Vikings arrived in Scotland, they brought with them their own rules and laws. Learn all about the Viking Thing!
What did Vikings believe in?
The Vikings believed in burying people with items that would be useful in the afterlife.
Why did Vikings write and tell stories?
The Vikings remembered their history through the epic tales of poets called Skalds.
Where did Vikings travel to?
The Vikings were brave sailors who travelled to places no other person had been to before.
What did Vikings trade?
The Vikings traded items from the world over using linen and silver to barter.
Video playlist
The Norse settlement of Jarlshof. Video
What has the settlement of Jarlshof taught archaeologists about the Norse way of life?
The Vikings in Dublin. Video
A model of what Dublin would have been like in Viking times.
Viking longships. Video
Orm describes the features of a Viking longship and explains what life was like on board.
Viking archaeological remains. Video
A visit to the Museum of Scotland to find out what an archaeologist's work involves.
Viking food. Video
Learn about the sort of food that the Vikings ate and how it was prepared and cooked.
The arrival of the Vikings in Scotland. Video
The Vikings arrived in Scotland, forcing the Scotti back from Dalriada into Pictland.
Viking helmets. Video
How and why Viking helmets were not horned as is traditionally thought.
The Brough of Birsay Viking settlement. Video
Why was the Brough of Birsay in Scotland chosen as a settlement by the Norse?
Viking longhouses. Video
A description of a Viking longhouse and what it was like to live in one.
The importance of Lindisfarne for the Vikings. Video
What made Lindisfarne, or Holy Island, such an important place?
Evidence of Vikings at Maeshowe burial chamber. Video
Runes and drawings left at Maeshowe, Orkney, Scotland, provide evidence of Viking life.
A Viking grave. Video
An archaeologist explains why the discovery of a Viking grave is important.
Viking clothing. Video
A description of the type of clothes that the Vikings wore.