

A percentage is a proportion that shows a number as parts of a hundred. The symbol '%' means 'per cent'. 9% means 9 out of every 100, or \(\frac{9}{100}\).

Percentages are just one way of expressing numbers that are part of a whole. These numbers can also be written as fractions or decimals.

50% can also be written as a fraction, \(\frac{1}{2}\) , or a decimal, 0.5. They are all the same amount.

Calculating percentages of amounts

Often we wish to calculate the percentage the value A is of value B. We do this by dividing value A by value B and multiplying by one hundred.

Example 1

Twenty-three students out of thirty passed their end of unit test. What percentage is this?

\(\frac{23}{30} \times 100 = 77\%\)

Percentages of amounts can also be calculated by writing the percentage as a fraction or decimal and then multiplying it by the amount in question.

Example 2

Find 16% of 40.

16% is the same as \(\frac{16}{100}\).

To find 16% of 40, multiply \(\frac{16}{100}\) by 40:

\(\frac{16}{100} \times = 6.4\)

The use of calculators will be allowed to complete this sort of calculation.

This example could also be worked out by converting the percentage to a decimal.

16% is the same as 0.16. To find 16% of 40, multiply 0.16 by 40:

0.16 脳 40 = 6.4

Percentages in nutrient cycling in ecosystems

We can use the two methods above to calculate the percentages of mass that cycles through an . Here is a :

clover 鈫 snail 鈫 thrush 鈫 sparrowhawks

Here is a pyramid of biomass that represents this food chain.

A 'clover-snail-thrush-sparrowhawk' pyramid of numbers

Scientists measured the biomass of each trophic level of this food chain. Their values are recorded in the table below.

Trophic levelOrganismBiomass (g)Mass of carbon (g)
Trophic level4
Biomass (g)195
Mass of carbon (g)21
Trophic level3
Biomass (g)2200
Mass of carbon (g)199
Trophic level2
Biomass (g)20,500
Mass of carbon (g)2200
Trophic level1
Biomass (g)210,000
Mass of carbon (g)100,000

Worked example 1

What percentage of the sparrowhawk consists of carbon?

\(\frac{21}{195} \times 100 = 10.8%\)


Calculate the percentage carbon in the other three trophic levels.

Worked example 2

Calculate the percentage transfer of carbon between the thrush and the sparrowhawk.

\(\frac{21}{199} \times 100 = 10.5%\)


Calculate the percentage of carbon transferred between the snail and the thrush.

Worked example 3

Calculate the percentage of biomass transferred between the clover and the snail.


Calculate the percentage biomass transferred between the thrush and the sparrowhawk.