
The water cycle

Water is a key compound for life on Earth. All living organisms need water. Some can survive in a dormant state without it for long periods of time, but all organisms will eventually die without it.

Water is constantly recycled. Energy from the Sun water from the land and sea forming water vapour. This rises up into clouds and then cools, and falls as rain onto the ground. The water then drains into the sea and the starts again.

Water cycle. Precipitation falls on ground, drains into ocean via percolation. Evaporation from ocean and transpiration of surface water create water vapour. Condensation creates clouds.

These are the key processes in the water cycle.

ProcessWhat happens to water
EvaporationWater turns from a liquid to a gas when it evaporates. Energy from the Sun can evaporate water from all places on the Earth's surface such as puddles, ponds, lakes and oceans.
CondensationAfter evaporation water can cool and convert from gas to liquid, often forming clouds.
TransportWater within clouds can be blown many miles by strong winds and so transported to other areas.
PrecipitationPrecipitation occurs when rain, snow, hail and sleet fall from the sky.
Surface runoffMuch water will be absorbed into the ground after precipitation but if a large volume falls or the ground is already wet some water can run along the surface of the ground.
InfiltrationThis occurs when water that has fallen as precipitation is absorbed into the ground. This can then be stored within underground rocks called aquifers.
TranspirationPlants need to maintain a constant stream of water to their leaves for transport and support. They allow some water to evaporate as water vapour from their leaves so it is continually 'pulled' to their leaves from the soil.
What happens to waterWater turns from a liquid to a gas when it evaporates. Energy from the Sun can evaporate water from all places on the Earth's surface such as puddles, ponds, lakes and oceans.
What happens to waterAfter evaporation water can cool and convert from gas to liquid, often forming clouds.
What happens to waterWater within clouds can be blown many miles by strong winds and so transported to other areas.
What happens to waterPrecipitation occurs when rain, snow, hail and sleet fall from the sky.
ProcessSurface runoff
What happens to waterMuch water will be absorbed into the ground after precipitation but if a large volume falls or the ground is already wet some water can run along the surface of the ground.
What happens to waterThis occurs when water that has fallen as precipitation is absorbed into the ground. This can then be stored within underground rocks called aquifers.
What happens to waterPlants need to maintain a constant stream of water to their leaves for transport and support. They allow some water to evaporate as water vapour from their leaves so it is continually 'pulled' to their leaves from the soil.

Learn more about the water cycle with Dr Alex Lathbridge.

Explore the important processes throughout the cycle and what happens to water during each stage.