
Circles - Intermediate & Higher tier – WJECCircumference of a circle

Circles are 2D shapes with one side and no corners. The circumference is always the same distance from the centre - the radius. Sectors, segments, arcs and chords are different parts of a circle.

Part of MathsGeometry and Measure

Circumference of a circle

The circumference of a circle is the distance around the circle. It is another name for the perimeter of a circle.

Circle with diameter and circumference labelled

The circumference of a circle is calculated using the formula: \(\text{circumference} = \pi \times \text{diameter}\)

For any circle:

\(\text{circumference} \div \text{diameter} = 3.1412 \dotsc\)

This number is Pi (\(\pi\)). It is a number which goes on forever.

\(\pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 \dotsc\)

Pi cannot be written as an exact fraction or decimal. Approximations can be used. A typical approximation is 3.14.

Scientific calculators have a \(\pi\) button which can be used instead of an approximation.


Calculate the circumference of the dartboard.


The diameter is twice the radius.

\(d = 20 \times 2 = 40~\text{cm}\)

Circumference = \(40 \times \pi = 125.7~\text{cm}\)

The answer can also be given in terms of \(\pi\). In this case the answer is \(40 \pi~\text{cm}\).

The circumference formula can be used to solve problems.


How many full rotations will the wheel make if it travels 3,500 cm?

Car tyre of radius, 27.5 cm