

You can discover a lot about a poem by comparing it to one by another author that deals with a similar subject. You could compare features such as theme, form, structure, rhythm, language and figures of speech.

The key thing to do when comparing poems is to note the points where they are similar and the points where they differ. You could make a list noting similarities and differences between the two poems.

Comparison of 'Neutral Tones' by Thomas Hardy and 'She Walks In Beauty' by Lord Byron


  • Both poems have a speaker who draws attention on a central unidentified figure.
  • This unidentified figure in both poems has had a deep effect on the speaker (even if this seems to be being denied in the Hardy poem).
  • Both poems reflect on a significant moment in the speaker鈥檚 life.
  • Both poems make use of to convey the speaker鈥檚 feelings towards the unidentified figure.


  • The speaker in Hardy鈥檚 poem looks back at a love that has died, whereas Byron鈥檚 poem concentrates on an attraction that has only just begun.
  • Hardy鈥檚 poem sets out to downplay the effect the person has on them. Byron鈥檚 poem fully acknowledges and expresses that effect.
  • Neutral Tones focuses on a memory of something in the past; She Walks In Beauty is about a more recent and immediate encounter
  • The poems are different in tone. The title of Hardy鈥檚 claims it is neutral but there is a distinct air of regret about it. Byron鈥檚 poem is mostly positive and celebratory.

Try comparing Neutral Tones to these other poems:

  • A Complaint by William Wordsworth
  • When We Two Parted by Lord Byron