Online shopping
The following listening passage is about Rachel MacDonald's online shopping habits. Read the questions first, listen to the passage and then answer the questions. Key vocabulary from the passage and a full transcript are included on the next page.
1. When did Rachel start buying clothes online?
12 years ago.
Th貌isich mi a' ceannach aodaich air-loidhne o chionn d脿 bhliadhna dheug.
2. What difficulty did Rachel face as a fashion lover living in the Western Isles?
There wasn't a wide range of clothes in the shops.
Tha mi a' fuireach anns na h-Eileanan an Iar agus chan eil roghainn fharsaing de dh'aodach anns na b霉than.
3. What types of clothing did Rachel enjoy seeing and trying on in Glasgow and Edinburgh?
- Beautiful dresses.
- Fancy/smart shoes.
Bha e riamh a' c貌rdadh rium a bhith a' dol dha na b霉than m貌ra ann an Glaschu agus D霉n 脠ideann airson dreasaichean 脿lainn no br貌gan spaideil fhaicinn agus fheuchainn orm, ach bha sin gu math daor.
4. Why did Rachel enjoy shopping online?
She did not have to leave the house to see the newest styles.
Chan fheumainn an taigh fh脿gail airson na stoidhlichean as 霉ire fhaighinn agus ch貌rd seo rium gu m貌r.
5. What is said about the price difference between shopping online and in the city?
Very often the same type of thing was much cheaper online.
Gl猫 thric, bha na pr矛sean air-loidhne fada na bu shaoire na bha iad anns a' bhaile-mh貌r airson an aon se貌rsa rud.
6. What did Rachel do when the parcels arrived?
She tried on the clothes to confirm they were suitable.
Bhiodh parsailean a' tighinn tron phost agus chuirinn an t-aodach orm gus dearbhadh an robh e freagarrach.
7. What does Rachel say about the behaviour of one or two people on her social media accounts? State any two things.
Two from:
- They are rather nasty/mean.
- They leave rude comments.
- She has to block them.
Uaireannan, bidh duine no dithis caran suarach agus a' f脿gail bheachdan m矛-mhodhail agus feumaidh mi casg a chur orra.
8. What does Rachel do when she is finished with a piece of clothing?
She sells it on another website.
Nuair a bhios mi deiseil le p矛os aodaich, bidh mi ga reic air-loidhne air l脿rach-l矛n eile.