Performing calculations with very big or small numbers can be difficult. Such calculations, for example those related to space, can be made easier by converting numbers in and out of standard form.
Standard form, or standard index form, is a system of working with, and writing, very large or very small numbers. It is based on using powerA number that is multiplied by itself one or more times is raised to a power. of 10 to express how big or small a number is.
Some numbers may be too big or too small to read or even understand. Writing numbers in standard form makes them easier to comprehend and compare. Also, a calculator may not be able to handle all the numbers in a very large calculation, but by using standard form it can handle numbers of any size.
Scientists use standard form when working with the speed of light and distances between galaxies, which can be enormous. The size of bacteria or atoms may also be referred to in standard form as they are so tiny.