Place value and ordering decimals
Decimal points are used in numbers to separate the whole number from parts of the whole. Like whole numbers, numbers written as decimalA number that uses powers of 10 as place value. In the example of 0.82, the 8 represents tenths and the 2 represents hundredths. can be either positive or negative, for example, 2.6 or -2.6.
Decimals are just one way of expressing numbers that are parts of wholes. These numbers can also be written as fractionA fraction is a part of a whole, for example 1/2. or percentageA proportion representing parts per hundred, for example 9% is 9 out of 100, or 9/100.. The number 1.5 (decimal) could also be written as \(1 \frac{1}{2}\) (fraction) or 150% (percentage). They are all exactly the same number.
Knowledge of converting between decimals, fractions and percentages is important.
Place value
Place value gives the value of each digit in a number. For example, in the number 42, the 4 is worth 4 tens, or 40, and the 2 is worth 2 units, or 2. The same process is true for decimals.
In the number 2.78, the 2 is worth two units, the 7 is worth 7 tenths and the 8 is worth 8 hundredths.
Hundreds | Tens | Units | . | Tenths | Hundredths | Thousandths |
2 | . | 7 | 8 |
Hundreds | |
Tens | |
Units | 2 |
. | . |
Tenths | 7 |
Hundredths | 8 |
Thousandths |
This is the same as 2 and 78 hundredths or \(2 \frac{78}{100}\).
Ordering decimals
Ordering decimals involves comparing digits in the same columns, starting with the digits in the place value column that is furthest to the left.
Which is greater, 2.5 or 2.15?
Firstly, both numbers have a 2 in the units column, so look at the next digit along. This is the digit in the first decimal place. The first number has a 5 in the tenths column whereas the second number has a 1 in the tenths column. 5 is greater than 1, so that means that 2.5 is greater than 2.15.
To make it easier to compare, make sure all the decimals have the same number of decimal places by adding zeros to the end if you need to.
To compare 2.5 and 2.15, add a zero to 2.5. It鈥檚 clear to see now that 2.15 must be smaller than 2.50, just like 215 is smaller than 250.
Hundreds | Tens | Units | . | Tenths | Hundredths | Thousandths |
2 | . | 5 | 0 | |||
2 | . | 1 | 5 |
Hundreds | |
Tens | |
Units | 2 |
. | . |
Tenths | 5 |
Hundredths | 0 |
Thousandths |
Hundreds | |
Tens | |
Units | 2 |
. | . |
Tenths | 1 |
Hundredths | 5 |
Thousandths |
Put these decimals in order, starting with the smallest:
- 3.72
- 3.07
- 3.7
- 4.3
- 3.764
Hundreds | Tens | Units | . | Tenths | Hundredths | Thousandths |
3 | . | 7 | 2 | 0 | ||
3 | . | 0 | 7 | 0 | ||
3 | . | 7 | 0 | 0 | ||
4 | . | 3 | 0 | 0 | ||
3 | . | 7 | 6 | 4 |
Hundreds | |
Tens | |
Units | 3 |
. | . |
Tenths | 7 |
Hundredths | 2 |
Thousandths | 0 |
Hundreds | |
Tens | |
Units | 3 |
. | . |
Tenths | 0 |
Hundredths | 7 |
Thousandths | 0 |
Hundreds | |
Tens | |
Units | 3 |
. | . |
Tenths | 7 |
Hundredths | 0 |
Thousandths | 0 |
Hundreds | |
Tens | |
Units | 4 |
. | . |
Tenths | 3 |
Hundredths | 0 |
Thousandths | 0 |
Hundreds | |
Tens | |
Units | 3 |
. | . |
Tenths | 7 |
Hundredths | 6 |
Thousandths | 4 |
The answer is: 3.07, 3.7, 3.72, 3.764, 4.3.