
Purpose of data collection

Why do we collect data on our performance levels in a factor?

A mind map showing different reasons why it is important to collect data on your performance.

Why is it important that we undertake this process before all other aspects of the cycle of analysis?

We can answer this in terms of the following three areas:

  • strengths and weaknesses
  • measurement
  • targets

Strengths and weaknesses

It's important to choose an appropriate factor to develop through the cycle of analysis. For this reason, data collection is helpful:

  • It identifies your strengths and weaknesses...
  • ...so that you can create an appropriate development plan around a weakness...
  • ...and select relevant approaches to use.


Measurement is a key part of data collection as it will help reflect your progress:

  • It gives you a baseline measurement...
  • ...so that you can compare future re-test results to starting results...
  • ...and measure improvements.


Initial data collection helps you put appropriate targets in place:

  • It provides you with results that you can use to set targets...
  • ...so that you can make these targets specific and realistic...
  • ...and this gives you a motivation boost to get started.

Think about how you would answer the following question. Remember, the cause and effects must fit together like a lock (the cause) and a key (the effect).


Explain why we collect data before starting a physical development plan.