
The UK and the European Union

EU flags outside the Houses of Parliament
Figure caption,
EU flags outside the Houses of Parliament

The UK's membership of the (EU) has had a major impact on the political system of the UK. While the UK was part of the EU, EU law took precendence over UK law. Therefore laws passed by Parliament which conflicted with EU law were illegal.

Being a member of the European Union also meant that the UK had been required to have open borders with other European countries and could not impose taxes on products being imported from the EU.

Some UK politicians did not like the amount of power which the EU held over Britain. In June 2016 a referendum was held and the UK voted to leave the EU. The process for leaving the EU became known as BREXIT (a simplification of BRitish EXIT).

When did the UK leave the EU?

The UK left the EU on the 31st January 2020 and the transition period finished on the 31st December 2020.

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