

The Nazis used propaganda as a way of controlling the German people.

Joseph Goebbels making a speech in 1934
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Joseph Goebbels

Joseph Goebbels, Minister for National Enlightenment, controlled the media and arts.

Goebbels made sure that Germans were fed Nazi ideology while organising for other ideas to be censored.

Poster showing the 'Work and Bread' slogan
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Poster showing the 'Work and Bread' slogan

Radios were cheap to buy and would broadcast Nazi Party messages and speeches. Loudspeakers in public places blared out Nazi propaganda.

Hitler's picture was everywhere and he was portrayed as Germany's saviour. Simple slogans were used to introduce Nazi ideology to the German people:

  • "Free Germany from the Jews"
  • "Work and Bread"
  • "Smash Communism"
  • "Blood and Soil"
  • "One People, One Empire, One Leader"

Nazi ideology and control was broadcast to the Germans in many different ways.

The glorification of Nazi Germany was emphasised by the Nuremberg rallies, which championed organisation, the military and war:

The 1936 Berlin Olympics was intended to showcase the superior athleticism of the Master Race.


A painting of Nazi book burning
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A painting of Nazi book burning in Berlin 1933

Any media that conveyed anti-Nazi ideas or even other ways of life, was censored:

  • Censorship of newspapers, radio, cinema and the theatre was enforced.
  • Only books which agreed with the Nazi point of view were allowed. All other books were banned and many were publically burned.

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