
Blood glucose levels and obesityBody Mass Index (BMI)

Pancreatic receptors are involved in negative feedback control of blood glucose through insulin, glucagon and adrenaline. People with type 1 diabetes are unable to produce insulin. In type 2 diabetes, individuals produce insulin but their cells are less sensitive to it. Obesity is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Part of Human BiologyPhysiology and Health

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Health workers use body mass index (BMI) to assess obesity. They measure the height and mass of a person and then use the equation below to calculate their BMI:

BMI = mass (kg) 梅 height (m)

For example, if a person has a mass of 60kg and a height of 1.65m:

BMI = 60kg 梅 1.65

BMI = 22 kg/m

A person is overweight if their BMI is between 25kg/m and 30kg/m.

A person with a BMI over 30 kg/m is said to be obese. Therefore, the person in our example is not overweight or obese.

Issues related to BMI

While BMI can give a general guide to whether someone is a overweight or obese it is not always accurate:

  • BMI cannot tell the difference between different types of body tissue.
  • It does not take account of age, gender or muscle mass.
  • A very muscular individual could be classed as overweight because of the extra mass of their muscle compared to height.
  • Older adults who have lost muscle mass may be classed as of a healthy weight even if carrying excess fat.
  • The BMI of pregnant women can't be measured accurately. Their pre-pregnancy BMI should be used.