Name two things Lucy says she is good at.
Choose two answers from art, drama and sport.
ealain - art
à - drama
ò - sport
On what day and at what time is Lucy available to work?
Between 4pm and 8pm on a Monday.
The answer is in the sentence Eadar ceithir uairean agus ochd uairean gach feasgar Diluain. Feasgar means 'afternoon' or 'evening' and tells us that the times mentioned, ceithir uairean 'four o'clock' and ochd uairean 'eight o'clock', are 'pm'.
How and when will Lucy find out if she has been successful in getting the job?
She'll find out by email tomorrow.
Cuiridh sinn post-d thugaibh a-màireach. Post-d, the Gaelic for 'email', is an abbreviation of post-dealain which translates literally as 'electric-mail'.