Decimals are used every day, for example, when using money. Knowing how to use decimal points and places when adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying is an important mathematical skill.
Dividing decimals by whole numbers works the same way as dividing whole numbers except, just like addition and subtraction of decimals, the decimal point must be kept in line.
For example, \(4 \div 0.2\) is the same as \(\frac{4}{0.2}\)
First, note that 0.2 has one decimal place, so multiply the numeratorThe top part of a fraction. For 鈪 , the numerator is 5. and denominatorThe bottom part of a fraction. For 鈪, the denominator is 8, which represents 'eighths'. by 10 to get a whole number. This gives: \(\frac{40}{2}\) (which is equivalent to \(\frac{4}{0.2}\))
Next, work out \(40 \div 2\).
\(40 \div 2 = 20\), so \(4 \div 0.2\) must also equal 20.
Work out \(18.9 \div 0.09\)
Using equivalent fractions
\(18.9 \div 0.09\) is the same as \(\frac{18.9}{0.09}\)
Note that 0.09 has two decimal places, so multiply the denominator by 100 to get a whole number. Multiply the numerator by 100 as well in order to make an equivalent fraction. This gives \(\frac{1,890}{9}\).