
Using design works as stimuli

Designers who work in your chosen area and whose ideas and techniques you are interested in can be a good source for stimulus.

Choose key designers who can also influence your own practical work. Analyse their techniques. This work can be presented in a number of different ways:

  • in your sketchbook
  • in a jotter
  • as a presentation on sheets of paper of card
  • on the computer using software of your choice
  • as a blog

You should consider how the designers' approaches might influence your own work. Think about:

  • Key visual elements and how they are used.
  • Style and how this is achieved.
    • Do they belong to a particular design movement?
    • What are its characteristics?
  • Social and cultural influences that have impacted on the designs and how they have done this.
  • Techniques and use of technology.

Market research

Market research involves looking at existing works in your design area and learning from them.

When carrying out market research for a design piece you should ensure that:

  • it is relevant to your design brief.
  • you do not copy any of the designs that you find
  • you collate and present your market research in an effective way