
Groups working for social justice

The World Council of Churches

The World Council of Churches aims to bring the different Christian together. It tries to unite people who share the same faith, regardless of their denomination. Some of the work that the World Council of Churches does is to bring churches together following tragedies, and to help respond to world problems, such as helping with the arrival of asylum seekers.

Interfaith Wales

Interfaith Wales is an organisation made up of the following:

  • Faith Communities Forum
  • Interfaith Council for Wales
  • Wales Interfaith Network

It was set up in an attempt to promote better respect and understanding between religious communities and has different representatives from all the major world religions following the terror attacks of 9/11. Thousands of people were killed in the attacks.

The main aims of Interfaith Wales are to:

  • increase knowledge and understanding of the different beliefs and practices of the different faith communities in Wales
  • promote good relationships between people of different faiths
  • promote awareness of the different features of the faith communities

Christian Muslim Forum

The main aims of the Christian Muslim Forum are to:

  • create an honest and open relationship between Christians and Muslims
  • create a shared platform where both Christians and Muslims can work together, as well as with the wider community, to provide help for the common good
  • help Christians and Muslims learn how best to respond to incidents or events that can often test the relationship between both faiths

Council of Christians and Jews

The Council of Christians and Jews, also known as CCJ, was founded in 1942. It is a forum that encourages Christians and Jews to get together in order to understand more about each other's religions. The aim is that people will learn about the rich history and traditions of both religions, yet value the differences at the same time. It is hoped that the forum will promote respect between both religions, as well as provide opportunities for people to question and challenge certain prejudices.


Describe the support and services the Church can provide.