
Electromagnetic waves

are transverse waves. Their vibrations or are changes in electrical and magnetic fields at right angles to the direction of wave travel.

All electromagnetic waves:

  • transfer energy as from the source of the waves to an absorber
  • can travel through a such as in space
  • travel at the same speed through a vacuum or the air

Electromagnetic waves travel at 300 million metres per second (m/s) through a vacuum.

Electromagnetic spectrum

Electromagnetic waves form a continuous of waves. This includes:

  • waves with a very short , high and high energy
  • waves with a very long wavelength, low frequency and low energy

Electromagnetic waves can be separated into seven distinct groups in the spectrum.

All known forms of waves from radio waves to gamma rays
Figure caption,
The electromagnetic spectrum

Each group contains a range of frequencies. For example, visible light contains all the frequencies that can be detected by the human eye:

  • red light has the lowest frequencies of visible light
  • violet light has the highest frequencies of visible light